Cinqo de Mayo Feliz!

May 05, 2010 11:31

Or does the 'Feliz' come first? Only one semester after my last Spanish class and I'm already forgetting--as it is, I'm not sure 'Cinqo' is the correct spelling, but that's what LJ used to at least I won't be alone in my mistaken-ness. I might be able to turn back the inevitable tide of recidivism (okay, closest fancy-sounding word I can find to 'forgetting what I learned last semester) by keeping up on my reading--Carroll's library has a wide selection of books in foreign languages, and I'm now the proud owner of a bible in Spanish, thanks to the Menomonee Falls Library book sale. Thanks to the same sale, I also own two paperbacks without covers. That might be illegal.

Anyway, another semester has come and gone. Summer stretches out before me. I'm going to keep working at the library until the middle of July, at which point I start taking a summer class. Then I'll leave my first job. I'm a little saddened, but I'd like to start concentrating more on my schoolwork. On the other hand, I also enjoy having money, so when my advisor mentioned a job opportunity for PPE majors I jumped on it--by which I mean, I said "Tell me more!" and he kind of promised to put in a word for me to the right people. I think. This was just before the final exam, nobody in the room seemed to care much about my job opportunites next year. PPE101 was a very relaxed class.

I'm about a half-hour into my summer break and I've already misplaced my to-do list. Off the top of my head, here's what I think it contains:

1. Finish One Hundred Days
2. Type up One Hundred Days and send it to betas  (I had as surprising number of volunteers, about half of which I think did so because they're either my boyfriend, my sister, or they've heard me talk about it and want to see how I can pull this stuff off)
3. Finish typing up Last of the Lesser Kings, send to beta
4. Use the last of the pages in the green notebook I've been carrying around since last summer (short fiction), move on to other things
5. Use the last of the pages in the purple notebook I've been carrying around since January of 2009 (it contains portions of three novels), move on to other things
6. Sell some short stories

All in all, not bad. Except I swear I remember having 8 goals on the misplaced list. Well, if it's important I'll remember it. Probably.
7. Find to-do list
8. Renamed 'to-do' list "Bucket List" for more emotional impact

Also, I've had two stories come out over April that I haven't linked to yet. I'll repair that immediatly:

"How the Woman Brought Death" is in WolfSinger's All About Eve anthology. In it, I combine pacifism, feminism, some of my nerdiness for the prehistoric world, and some residual Roman Catholicism (maybe) in my own take on Genesis from Eve's point of view. If you're a fan of WolfSinger Publications on Facebook, you can take advantage of a 10% off deal until May 31st.

"Harmony" is in Kaleidotrope #8, (which issue I heartily reccomend to any Eraserhead fans for its nonfiction). It also contains Kevin Brown's "Invisible Bullets," a reprint from Semaphore magazine (which I also heartily reccomend*). As for the story itself--*blushes*--oh, it's just a little thing I was playing around with. I had so much fun that I decided to write another story in the same universe--one of the longest short stories I've ever written. I can only hope readers will find it as much fun. *another blush*

*Story or magazine? you ask, questioning my odd sentence structure. Both, I reply. In fact, if you want to love both to the fullest extent (not to mention my own story "The Gallows Wife"), you might want to take a look at Semaphore Magazine's 2009 anthology.

college student; being a

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