Title: The Big Sleep
Author: Selena
Fandoms: Battlestar Galactica/ Babylon 5.
Disclaimer: characters and situations owned by J.M. Straczynski, Ron Moore, David Eick and various production companies. Title stolen from Raymond Chandler.
Timeline: A few weeks after In the Shadow of Z’ha’dum, season 2, for Babylon 5; during and after s4 for Battlestar
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Comments 28
BTW, it would be easier to read if you had a line break between paragraphs so they didn't look like they ran into one another.
Your Ellen and Garibaldi voices are fantastic, by the way. I never would've expected that combination to have so much chemistry, but - well, did it ever! :)
Just a teeny-tiny word of critique: I found some of your longer sentences just a little too long, which (to me) broke the flow of the story in some places. But then again, I'm not a native speaker, so it could just be me.
And I'm really glad the mixing of mythologies worked. Re: Ellen and Garibaldi - the original prompt did not specify whom in the B5verse Ellen was supposed to interact with beyond having to deal with the Shadows' question. But it occured to me early on that that if Garibaldi as a character owes much to the hard boiled novel/film noir type of detectives (think Philip Marlowe), Ellen was the classic ambiguous and bantering Woman With A Past from said stories, and so it was just irresistable to let them confront each other...
“I don’t want a getaway,” Ellen explained patiently. “I want to go back.”
“The past, Mr. Garibaldi. I want to go back to my husband. That’s all I ever wanted.”
Yes. Yes, yes, YES!
And well, you know I have a soft spot a mile long for Ellen/Saul: theirloveisflawedandmessedupbutreallyforever. A measly few millennia frozen by Vorlons with the occasional thawing for genetic manipulation mission wouldn't stop Ellen from trying to get back to him.
That "Poor buggers in Downbelow" sounded like a very English phrase to me thought, not a Garibaldi word to use.
I did not read your post in depth, sorry you wasted the time: I'm planning to start on BSG shortly.
*edits buggers into bastards*
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