Finish-a-thon 2007 Results!

Sep 01, 2007 12:27

Here be the results of the voting for the 2007 Finish-a-thon!
The intrepid participants have vowed to finish these stories by 10pm, 26th October 2007 (GMT). Let the writing begin!

A. Magiluna Stormwriter ariestess:
(20 votes)
Fandom: CSI / CSI: Miami crossover
Description: Working the beat in New Orleans, Sofia needs a way to cool down, until her younger lover Calleigh decides to heat things up with a little ice...
Type: femslash
Rating: NC17

Alixtii alixtii:
(29 votes)
Fandom: Firefly
Description: Mal, Zoe, and Jayne all die and Kaylee inherits the ship. How will she react to being captain, and to her crewmates' deaths?
Type: various canon pairings and subtexts
Rating: PG

Annerb annerbhp:
(38 votes)
Fandom: Stargate SG-1
Description: "Siren" A Sam and Vala as space pirates fic. Longish action/adventure, humor with a tinge of crack. (finish or at least 10,000 words) (snippets here)
Type: gen (in theory)
Rating: PG-13

Apryl W sbecreative:
(22 votes)
Fandom: Harry Potter/Law & Order SVU
Description: Fin believes Snape is involved in a case, but can't find any proof.
Type: Gen
Rating: PG-13 to R for violence or description of crime.

AstroGirl astrogirl2:
(22 votes)
Fandom: Stargate SG-1
Description: Stargate: Something involving Jacob Carter. I'm vaguely thinking of a series of short character sketches tracing his development as he adjusts to his new partnership and life among the Tok'ra. I've only seen up through season 4, so a) it'll only go that far, and b) I really, really don't feel myself qualified to write fic in this universe. But the Stargate fans are encouraging me.
Type: Gen
Rating: PG

Carolyn 3pipeproblem:
(15 votes)
Fandom: Boston Legal/Boondock Saints
Description: Law school classmates Paul Smecker and Alan Shore get stoned together and muse about the perfect crime.
Type: slash?
Rating: PG-13

Christi daisycm83:
(22 votes)
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Description: Life on the Second String -- Lorne, Zelenka, Cadman and other secondary characters have lives and drama all their own, even if we don't see it.
Type: Het if there's any pairing, but probably gen unless I can't resist the shiny of Lorne/Cadman.
Rating: PG-13ish.

Estirose estirose had a tie!
(9 votes)
Fandom: Kamen Rider 555
Description: The life of an Orphenoch, from making to dusting.
Type: Gen
Rating: 13+ (PG-13)

(9 votes)
Fandom: Time Trax/Power Rangers Time Force
Description: Darien is chasing after a fugitive. Trip is chasing after a trail of weird events.
Type: Gen
Rating: 8+ (PG)

Eve array_of_colors:
(16 votes)
Fandom: Death Note
Description: L's early years. Appearance of young Near and Mello possible.
Type: gen
Rating: G/PG

Feather featherjean:
(23 votes)
Fandom: The Dresden Files (TV)
Description: The sun comes up over the city in the middle of the night and doesn't go down for three days. It's up to Harry and Murphy to figure out why.
Type: het
Rating: PG

Gblvr gblvr:
(12 votes)
Fandom: SGA
Description: AU. Zelenka is a hockey coach struggling to hold onto his star player, Evan Lorne. Lorne is a bit of troublemaker, and when Weir lays down an ultimatum, Zelekna takes Lorne on a mountain retreat to try and straighten him out.
Type: slash
Rating: R, possibly NC-17

Grace kyuuketsukirui:
(17 votes)
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Description: John/Rodney. An overview of Rodney's sexual history. I have about 800 words on my hard drive. I'd estimate 3000-4000 total.
Type: Slash
Rating: Adult

Havoc havocthecat:
(24 votes)
Fandom: Stargate: SG-1/Stargate: Atlantis
Description: Third in a series for an AU where Elizabeth is the pirate queen of Atlantis, and Janet Fraiser is trying to get back to her home city of Cheyenne through Wraith-infested waters without giving the location of her city away to the Wraith. Elizabeth/Teyla, Janet/Daniel implied, Kate/Ronon, Carson/Laura. Series thus far can be found here. (more details here)
Type: het, femslash
Rating: PG-13

HonorH honorh:
(20 votes)
Fandom: Doctor Who
Description: Rose runs across the last Time Lord in her new universe--the Master (Jacobi, then Simm), with companions Lucy Cole and Chantho in tow. Alt!Good!Master story.
Type: het
Rating: PG/PG-13

Izhilzha izhilzha:
(17 votes)
Description: The CSI team are witches/wizards, part of a new branch of Magical Law Enforcement who are trained in dealing with magical trace elements, spell identification, etc. Now they've been assigned to investigate the scene of the battle in the department of Mysteries, to determine the exact charges against the captured Death Eaters, the culpability of any of the vigilantes who fought them, and to confirm or deny the presence of Sirius Black during the battle and his role in it. [Unfinished from last year's finish-a-thon; I have most of the backstory worked out, and several hundred words written. I'd like to get to 10,000 words or finish, whichever comes first.]
Type: gen, though I reserve the right to hint at 'ships. Avatar fic, of a sort.
Rating: PG

Jedi Buttercup jedibuttercup:
(34 votes)
Fandom: Harry Potter
Description: "Back Again, Harry?"
"Harry makes a different choice in King's Cross, and is given the double-edged gift of a second chance."
A time travel AU, branching from Deathly Hallows Chapter 35 and looping back to the middle of Book 1; a hopefully new take on an old cliche. (will add 10,000 words)
14,000 words as of 8/20/2007; new project underway. Previous chapters tagged:

Type: drama/action, contains background het
Rating: PG-13

Joanne joanne_c:
(13 votes)
Fandom: Doctor Who/Torchwood/possibly others.
Description: Ten ways Rose Tyler might have moved on with her life after the Doctor. A double Five things story.
Type: het/slash.
Rating: At least R.

Kate M. squeelated:
(22 votes)
Fandom: Doctor Who/Star Trek crossover
Description: Crackfic inserting the Doctor and a companion (Nine and Rose or Ten and Martha -- not sure) into a Trek (TOS or ENT) episode
Type: gen with het overtones
Rating: T

Kathryn Andersen kerravonsen:
(26 votes)
Fandom: Doctor Who
Description: Yet another "Parting of the Ways" AU (inspired by the recent New Who episodes) involving pocket watches, Jack's two-year gap in his memory, Romana, faithful bodyguards, Rose, self-sacrifice... and stuff. (A snippet is at (#1))
Type: gen
Rating: PG

Katie evil_moopie:
(22 votes)
Fandom: SGA/BSG
Description: "Halfway House," the continuing mashup adventures of Elizabeth Weir and Laura Roslin.
Type: femslash Roslin/Weir
Rating: PG-13, max.

Lanna lanna_kitty:
(22 votes)
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis/ Stargate SG-1
Description: AU. Vampires. Werewolves. Magic. Steampunk. Pretty much putting the Stargate people into a personal universe. Set in the 1800s after the American Civil War - which didn't end so much as fall into a ceasefire due to phenominal catastrophic global events. some of the casting includes John Sheppard as a federal marshall, Elizabeth Weir as a vampire diplomat, Ronon and Teyla as Werewolf warriors, Sam and Rodney as Mad Scientists, Kolya as the President of the Confederate States, and Jack O'Neill is the President of the United States (God help us all)
Type: Het Sam/jack, Sheppard/Weir, Teyla/Rodney
Rating: R

Maren marenfic:
(23 votes)
Fandom: Jossverse Crossover
Description: Buffy/Mal, first time fic (set on Serenity)
Type: het
Rating: R/NC-17

Marie kalquessa:
(31 votes)
Fandom: Stargate SG-1
Description: "The Choice of Three" SG-1 are in the familiar position of encountering a world where technology masquerades as "magic". They're in for something of a shock, however, when they attempt to discover who is controlling the planet's "magic" and how. Philosophical angst, team.
Type: gen
Rating: PG

Mosca mosca:
(11 votes)
Fandom: figure skating RPF
Description: The one I started for brains_in_a_jar where Tanith is neurally bound to a spaceship and Ben is her telepathically-linked eyes and ears, and they're sent to a distant part of a galaxy to fight a morally dubious war and have romantic subplots with Alissa Czisny and Johnny Weir, respectively.
Type: Whatever category applies to a story in which a woman links telepathically to a man who is having sex with his boyfriend, and then the next night they turn it around and the guy is linked to the woman, who is having sex with her girlfriend.
Rating: NC-17 (at least I'm consistent)

Ness anr:
(22 votes)
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Description: au/drama, wraith and consequences; Michael, she thinks, would have understood.
Type: het (sheppard/weir)
Rating: PG (possible R)

Nico vilakins:
(13 votes)
Fandom: Blake's 7
Description: Vila is in a cell on Gauda Prime and not going anywhere--he thinks. He's ill, weak, and feverish, he has no tools to pick the lock and no will to do so anyway because he's given up on life as just being not worth the effort any more. Then Cally appears and she's real--in a rather strange way. I have no idea how this one ends.
Type: gen
Rating: PG

Opal oparu:
(21 votes)
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Description: Post First Strike. Elizabeth's injuries cause Phebus to remerge instead of Elizabeth's consciousness. She meets the Travelers when she kidnaps John, who she believes might still be Thalen somewhere inside.
Type: het (Elizabeth/John eventually)
Rating: R/NC-17

Persephone Kore persephone_kore:
(15 votes)
Fandom: Harry Potter, Norse mythology
Description: Helga Hufflepuff goes seeking a mentor: Loki's wife Sigyn. I've posted a very short version of this, but I think I could do more with it.
Type: gen focus, though obviously Sigyn/Loki is present
Rating: PG-13 at most

Rowan Darkstar rowan_d:
(24 votes)
Fandom: Battlestar Galactica
Description: Roslin/Adama angst and potential hurt/comfort post-"Unfinished Business" (snippets here)
Type: Het (Roslin/Adama UST)
Rating: PG-13 to R

Saavikam saavikam77:
(22 votes)
Fandom: Superman Returns
Description: Superman: Aftermath - an epic length sequel to SR in which Luthor comes back with a vengeance, Lois and Richard's relationship falls apart, and an unwelcome visitor from space wreaks absolute havoc. The story is technically complete, but I'm in the "Big Edit" phase, adding new scenes and rewriting entire sections. I would really like to have up to Chapter 40 (out of 58) edited and posted to LJ by the end of Oct.
Type: het
Rating: up to a hard R for violence, including rape

Shaye miss_direct had a tie!
(16 votes)
Fandom: Doctor Who
Description: A "Parting of the Ways" epic (oh God, I said it, didn't I?) AU in which Rose actually grows old with the Doctor. He...doesn't handle it well. And when a time traveler starts to freak out because his companion is getting old, well. He never actually means to go back and seek out Rose when she's young...
Type: het
Rating: R

(16 votes)
Fandom: Doctor Who/Farscape
Description: The Royal Planet is attacked, and the Princess, John's daughter, is the only one left alive. The Doctor finds her, a girl of about thirteen, cutting the throats of people trapped in the Living Death. He is understandably upset.
Type: gen
Rating: PG-13ish

Sheera trascendenza:
(11 votes)
Fandom: Brokeback Mountain
Description: "Portraits." Proulxverse canon. A collection of character study pieces covering every major character in the fandom. In the style of and companion to this piece.
Type: Gen, canon slash (Ennis/Jack).
Rating: PG-13

Spin deviousli:
(16 votes)
Fandom: House
Description: In the vein of magical realism where, after watching Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, House keeps having random dreams during which he's erasing various people from his life. People may or may not start disappearing. Wilson makes cracks about Kirsten Dunst being Cameron. Everyone bickers.
Type: het?/gen?/slash?
Rating: PG-13

Tricia triciabyrne1978:
(15 votes)
Fandom: Stargate SG-1
Description: Sam's emotional rollercoaster after Jacob's death helps make unusual strodes for their relationship.
Type: het Sam/Jack
Rating: NC17

Zenia blakefancier:
(16 votes)
Fandom: Blakes 7
Description: Blake is turned into a woman by an alien device. He makes the best of it. After all, the Federation doesn't know he's a woman.
Type: There may be some het (or slash, depending how you categorize it)
Rating: R (probably)

Zulu queenzulu:
(18 votes)
Fandom: House, MD crossovers with Grey's Anatomy, X-Files, Stargate Atlantis, and Battlestar Galactica.
Description: "Decoherence" PWPs between Cuddy and various hot women.
Type: girlslash
Rating: NC-17

finishathon 2007, finishathon

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