Finish-a-thon 2007 Voting (part 1)

Aug 25, 2007 15:31

Here is the voting for the finish-a-thon 2007!
Everyone signing up opted for the "all and sundry" option for voting, so that makes things a little less confusing. There are 35 participants! We-hee!

Voting is closed

How it works:
* Each participant's list of bunnies is given. After the bunny-list, there are two polls; one for participants to vote in, and the second for random people to vote in.
* Yes, this means that participants get TWO votes. It's a perk.
* People vote for which bunny they want the participant to write.
* If you are a participant, you must be a member of this community in order to vote in the "participants-only" sections; LJ won't allow you to vote in them otherwise. You can also vote in the "Anyone" poll.
* If you are a random person, you can only vote in the second poll for each participant (and you can only vote if you are a member of LJ, that's how LJ polls work).

Note: It goes without saying that participants can't vote in their own polls. However, to see how the votes for your bunnies are going, you can submit the poll WITHOUT selecting anything, then you can see the results.

Voting ends:
(Australian Eastern Standard Time) 6am, 31st August 2007
(Greenwich Mean Time) 10pm, 30th August 2007

This has been broken into two posts because it's too large. Part 2 is here

The following are the plot-bunnies which A. Magiluna Stormwriter ariestess has put up for voting:

Fandom: The Division
Description: "Ghost Stories" CD Challenge :: AU of seasons 1-2 starting with "Intervention" that follows the progression a relationship between CD DeLorenzo and Jinny Exstead, based on the Amanda Ghost Ghost Stories CD
Type: femslash
Rating: will hit NC17

Fandom: CSI / LWM crossover
Description: When Catherine Willows was a dancer on drugs, she made Karen Taylor's 18th birthday rather memorable. Now, 20 years later, they're only just realizing that they actually knew one another way back when.
Type: femslash
Rating: shouldn't go higher than R

Fandom: CSI / CSI: Miami crossover
Description: Working the beat in New Orleans, Sofia needs a way to cool down, until her younger lover Calleigh decides to heat things up with a little ice...
Type: femslash
Rating: NC17

Fandom: ST:TNG AU/uber / Light, Water, Muses crossover
Description: Free-spirited Davie decides that uptight control freak Sylvia needs to find a lover who is an equal, not a sub. And Davie thinks she fits the bill herself.
Type: femslash
Rating: NC17

Fandom: Highlander AU / LWM crossover
Description: "No Good Rotten Day" [working title] Ever have one of those days where you seem to be the poster child for Murphy's Law? Enter Ben Tate, Page of Swords, and his Scottish lover Ian Andrews, Ace of Swords. From the moment he wakes up, Ben's day just keeps getting worse and worse, until finally Ian does what he does best to salvage it for his lover.
Type: slash
Rating: NC17 eventually

Poll A. Magiluna Stormwriter
Poll A. Magiluna Stormwriter 2

The following are the plot-bunnies which Alixtii alixtii has put up for voting:

Fandom: Veronica Mars/Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Description: Finish "Not Quite Queen of the Damned." Cassidy's ghost attempts world domination.
Type: gr0n; het, possibly (implied?) femslash, I forget
Rating: PG-13

Fandom: Firefly
Description: Mal, Zoe, and Jayne all die and Kaylee inherits the ship. How will she react to being captain, and to her crewmates' deaths?
Type: various canon pairings and subtexts
Rating: PG

Fandom: Veronica Mars
Description: Cindy Mackenzie comes home from college to find her (adopted) brother making out with her (biological) sister. With lots of Lauren/Ryan adorableness and Lauren/Mac bonding.
Type: het, 'cesty femslash subtext
Rating: no higher than PG-13

Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Description: 10,000 words of To Live in Hearts. On the anniversary of Xander and Willow's deaths, Faith and Kennedy visit Dawn and Giles to remember them together, and grow closer in the process. Meanwhile, Buffy's daughter, who was concieved the same night Willow died, begins to show signs she is undergoing a transformation of apocalyptic proportions.
Type: femslash (Faith/Kennedy), background het (Buffy/Immortal), possible overtures towards Dawn/Giles
Rating: probably R or NC-17

Fandom: X-Men Movieverse
Description: After graduation, Marie returns to her family, while Bobby, Kitty, Jubilee, and Siryn rent a house on the beach for a week to celebrate. But why has Magneto turned to the White Queen, Emma Frost, for help--and what plans does Mystique have in store for Rogue?
Type: het (Bobby/Rogue, Bobby/Kitty, Rogue/OMC, Mindee Cuckoo/OMC); femslash (Jubilee/Siryn)
Rating: ?

Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Description: "Dark Velvet Moonshine." Amy/Rack/Drusilla. What Amy was doing during the end of season 6.
Type: het/femslash
Rating: NC-17

Poll Alixtii
Poll Alixtii 2

The following are the plot-bunnies which Annerb annerbhp has put up for voting:

Fandom: Stargate SG-1
Description: "Siren" A Sam and Vala as space pirates fic. Longish action/adventure, humor with a tinge of crack. (finish or at least 10,000 words) (snippets here)
Type: gen (in theory)
Rating: PG-13

Fandom: Stargate SG-1
Description: "Splintered" Super-dark, Sam whumping, Jack whumping, H/C epic. (finish or at least 10,000 words) (snippets here)
Type: het (Sam/Jack)
Rating: Mature (torture, non-con, violence)

Fandom: Stargate SG-1
Description: "The Tricky One" Mythology Epic, Season Four, Classic Team, Humor (finish or at least 10,000 words) (snippets here)
Type: het (Sam/Jack)
Rating: PG-13 (probably some swearing)

Fandom: Stargate SG-1
Description: "Moebius Inversion" Original SG-1 in Egypt Fic. Survival at any cost could mean the end of everything they believe in. Angst, tragedy, team, S/J (snippets here)
Type: het (Sam/Jack)
Rating: Mature (adult themes, sexuality)

Poll Annerb
Poll Annerb 2

The following are the plot-bunnies which Apryl W sbecreative has put up for voting:

Fandom: NCIS
Description: How Michelle Lee and Jimmy Palmer get caught
Type: Het
Rating: PG-13

Fandom: Harry Potter/Law & Order SVU
Description: Fin believes Snape is involved in a case, but can't find any proof.
Type: Gen
Rating: PG-13 to R for violence or description of crime.

Fandom: NCIS/Scrubs
Description: A case brings Gibbs' team to Sacred Heart. Gibbs and Dr. Cox face off, and a mystery is solved.
Type: Gen/possibly het
Rating: PG-13, R for violence or casework

Fandom: Boston Legal/Legally Blonde aka Boston Legally Blonde
Description: Elle Woods gets a job at Crane, Poole, and Schmidt, where she has to prove herself yet again. Can she fit in?
Type: Gen
Rating: PG-13

Poll Apryl W
Poll Apryl W 2

The following are the plot-bunnies which AstroGirl astrogirl2 has put up for voting:

Fandom: Doctor Who
Description: An AU in which the Doctor takes that nice Professor Yana along in the TARDIS as his new companion. Will almost certainly end in angst. May or may not actually have a plot, although it probably wants one.
Type: Probably at least somewhat slashy.
Rating: Not sure, but I doubt it'll go above an R at the very most.

Fandom: Doctor Who
Description: AU from the TV movie in which the Master succeeds in taking over the Doctor's body, but the Doctor's mind is still in there somewhere.
Type: I was going to say this one'd be gen, but it seems likely to at least have slashy overtones.
Rating: Um... PGish? PG-13, maybe?

Fandom: Doctor Who
Description: AU in which the Doctor succeeds in curing the Master's crazy and then wishes he hadn't. A short piece of pure angst.
Type: Probably gen.
Rating: PG-ish.

Fandom: Doctor Who
Description: A truly evil idea given to me by a RL friend of mine: The Master returns, having taken over a clone of the Doctor's body, which he had prepared for just this purpose. It's his favoritest disguise ever! To be honest, this may end up needing to be a longer, plottier story than I can really handle, at least in the time available. But I'm willing to take a stab at it.
Type: I'm thinking maybe some het content, but I'm not entirely sure. And if the story wants to get slashy, I'm probably not going to stop it.
Rating: Probably somewhere between PG and R, depending on how demented the Master decides to get.

Fandom: Doctor Who
Description: An expansion of the drabble to be found at, only with the Eighth Doctor subsititued for the Ninth. Basically, an Eight/Leela encounter that takes place immediately before the destruction of Gallifrey. I've actually got most of this written, but it needs finishing and probably a lot of editing.
Type: Het.
Rating: PG-ish for some violent content. Will contain kissing but no sex.

Fandom: Doctor Who
Description: A sequel to last year's finish-a-thon story, First-Hand Knowledge. Because people kept asking me for one. Not sure exactly what would happen in it, other than that it ought to involve the Doctor meeting his clone.
Type: Gen
Rating: PG

Fandom: Stargate SG-1
Description: Stargate: Something involving Jacob Carter. I'm vaguely thinking of a series of short character sketches tracing his development as he adjusts to his new partnership and life among the Tok'ra. I've only seen up through season 4, so a) it'll only go that far, and b) I really, really don't feel myself qualified to write fic in this universe. But the Stargate fans are encouraging me.
Type: Gen
Rating: PG

Fandom: Farscape
Description: Stark/John "aliens make them shag" story. Because it's the sort of thing that happens to Crichton, and it would involve Stark angst. Or something.
Type: Slash
Rating: NC-17, unless Crichton manages to talk the aliens out of it. Which is always a possibility.

Poll AstroGirl
Poll AstroGirl 2

The following are the plot-bunnies which Carolyn 3pipeproblem has put up for voting:

Fandom: Boston Legal
Description: 10-year-old Alan Shore's mother is summoned to his school for a parent-teacher conference.
Type: gen
Rating: PG

Fandom: The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay
Description: Tracy Bacon and Orson Welles--two golden boys at the end of a golden age--in Hollywood. I have resolved to include the set of The Magnificent Ambersons in some way.
Type: slash (Tracy Bacon/Sam Clay, Bacon/Welles?)
Rating: PG-13, possibly R

Fandom: Special Topics in Calamity Physics
Description: Equipped (naturally) with night-vision goggles, Charles and Milton perform another nightlong stakeout of one of Hannah's cheap motel rooms.
Type: het (Charles/Hannah)
Rating: PG-13

Fandom: Boston Legal/Boondock Saints
Description: Law school classmates Paul Smecker and Alan Shore get stoned together and muse about the perfect crime.
Type: slash?
Rating: PG-13

Fandom: Boston Legal
Description: Alan Shore meets Daniel Post (which would make this AU, I guess).
Type: gen/het
Rating: ?

Poll Carolyn
Poll Carolyn 2

The following are the plot-bunnies which Christi daisycm83 has put up for voting:

Fandom: Stargate SG-1
Description: The Stitches AU. Mostly fluffy. Basically a rewrite of the series from early S1, with the twist that Jack learns how to knit and strangely, this makes things go differently -- for the fluffy better, of course. Is a collection of short post-episode stories really, but I would vow to write at least 10,000 words which would probably shake out to at least 10 short installments.
Type: Het (Jack/Sam)
Rating: Anywhere from PG to R

Fandom: Stargate SG-1
Description: S10 Jonas Quinn fic -- post the apocalypse on his planet. Very dark, very angsty. The rest of the team almost entirely not present, lots of OCs. Basically, Jonas heads up the resistance on his planet, believing that eventually SG-1 will come and help them because he's one of the team, and what happens when they never show up.
Type: Gen, maybe some het with an OC?
Rating: Probably bloody and dark, so we'll say R-ish.

Fandom: Stargate SG-1 and NCIS.
Description: Classic crossover zaniness. I don't have a full-fleshed out plot yet -- all I know is that while in D.C., some SGC marines get killed and by some fluke, Gibbs and his team get notified before the SGC does. Jack then calls his old team to shadow Gibbs', because he knows that his cousin (I know, cliche, but IT WORKS) won't just let it go. I have no idea where it goes from there, but...yeah.
Type: Crossover, gen from NCIS with probably het Jack/Sam from SG-1.
Rating: PG-13ish.

Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Description: Life on the Second String -- Lorne, Zelenka, Cadman and other secondary characters have lives and drama all their own, even if we don't see it.
Type: Het if there's any pairing, but probably gen unless I can't resist the shiny of Lorne/Cadman.
Rating: PG-13ish.

Fandom: Stargate SG-1 and Stargate Atlantis, but in Austen!verse, which is my own crazy creation.
Description: A fic told entire in Austenian letters, with a different font for every character who writes a letter. John, Mitchell, and Vala communicate while travelling the high seas. (earlier stories: A Maneuvering Business, Visitors and Fish)
Type: Het. There's already established Sam/Jack and Cameron/Vala in this universe, with a STRONG side of John/Elizabeth UST.

Poll Christi
Poll Christi 2

The following are the plot-bunnies which Estirose estirose has put up for voting:

Fandom: Kamen Rider Kabuto
Description: Tsurugi didn't get a chance to go out with Misaki before everything happened. But what if things had happened differently? What would their future be like? AU, Tsurugi/Misaki
Type: Het
Rating: 13+ (PG-13)

Fandom: Kamen Rider 555
Description: The life of an Orphenoch, from making to dusting.
Type: Gen
Rating: 13+ (PG-13)

Fandom: Power Rangers Dino Thunder
Description: Conner has lost touch, but his teammates aren't going to let him lose touch completely.
Type: Het
Rating: 13+ (PG-13)

Fandom: Kamen Rider Blade
Description: What if Leangle's introduction had been different?
Type: Gen
Rating: 8+ (PG)

Fandom: Time Trax/Power Rangers Time Force
Description: Darien is chasing after a fugitive. Trip is chasing after a trail of weird events.
Type: Gen
Rating: 8+ (PG)

Poll Estirose
Poll Estirose 2

The following are the plot-bunnies which Eve array_of_colors has put up for voting:

Fandom: Death Note
Description: L's early years. Appearance of young Near and Mello possible.
Type: gen
Rating: G/PG

Fandom: Tennis no Oujisama
Description: Ninja AU, MomoAn.
Type: het
Rating: G

Fandom: Naruto
Description: Future AU, focuses mainly on Sakura. NaruHina and ShikaTema may be included.
Type: gen/het
Rating: G

Poll Eve
Poll Eve 2

The following are the plot-bunnies which Feather featherjean has put up for voting:

Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Description: John Sheppard/Elizabeth Weir, Blessing!verse (blessing_jsew). Three days on the beach. Utter fluff.
Type: het
Rating: PG/PG-13

Fandom: Supernatural/Stargate (crossover)
Description: Dean and Sam's hunt in Florida coincides with SG-1's investigation of a possible rogue Wraith that somehow got to Earth. Involves a female OC from Blessing!verse who hooks up with Dean. Actiony.
Type: het
Rating: R (in parts)

Fandom: The Dresden Files (TV)
Description: The sun comes up over the city in the middle of the night and doesn't go down for three days. It's up to Harry and Murphy to figure out why.
Type: het
Rating: PG

Fandom: Supernatural
Description: Dean doesn't remember Tessa, except when she comes to him in his dreams.
Type: het
Rating: PG

Fandom: Stargate SG-1
Description: A bunch of men who have been or want to be involved with Sam Carter participate in a massive free-for-all. Expect flying fruit and a complete disregard for timelines and character deaths. Crack. Sam/everyone, ultimately Sam/Jack.
Type: het
Rating: PG

Poll Feather
Poll Feather 2

The following are the plot-bunnies which Gblvr gblvr has put up for voting:

Fandom: CSI
Description: AU-fic; the CSI gang are Egyptologists on a dig in the Valley of the Kings; a case of mistaken identity leads to Gil and Greg embarking on a relationship before they realize that Gil is the replacement for Greg's injured professor.
Type: het and slash
Rating: NC-17

Fandom: CSI
Description: AU-fic; the sequel to Nasty, Naughty Boy, in which Greg is a drag queen who is interested in Gil; Gil returns the interest, but takes a while to get around to expressing it.
Type: slash
Rating: R, possibly NC-17

Fandom: CSI
Description: When Greg goes out into the field, he takes a pay cut; to make up the difference, he takes a second job with a strip telegram service. Catherine buys a telegram for Gil's birthday -- without knowing it, guess who she hires?
Type: slash
Rating: NC-17

Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Description: Rodney's having what he thinks are sex dreams about John; turns out John's a sleepwalker, and Rodney's dreams are actually hot and heavy sessions with John.
Type: slash
Rating: NC-17

Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Description: AU-fic; SGA pastiche of "The Nanny"; John/Rodney, with appearances from just about everyone in both SG-1 and SGA
Type: slash
Rating: R

Fandom: SGA
Description: AU. Zelenka is a hockey coach struggling to hold onto his star player, Evan Lorne. Lorne is a bit of troublemaker, and when Weir lays down an ultimatum, Zelekna takes Lorne on a mountain retreat to try and straighten him out.
Type: slash
Rating: R, possibly NC-17

Poll Gblvr
Poll Gblvr 2

The following are the plot-bunnies which Grace kyuuketsukirui has put up for voting:

Fandom: Liam Neeson/Jason Isaacs RPS
Description: "Falling for the Straight Ones": AU in which Jason is surprised to find his blind date is the neighbor he's been lusting after for a while. Parts one and two are here. Needs one more part to be finished.
Type: Slash
Rating: Adult

Fandom: LotRiPS
Description: "My Summer Abroad": AU in which Elijah moves to London, loses his wallet, and falls in with a rentboy named Dom. Part one is here and I've got another 3500 words on my hard drive. Not sure how long it will end up being, but probably 10,000 words at the least.
Type: Slash
Rating: Adult

Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Description: John/Rodney. Rodney is female-to-male transgender. I have about 1100 words on my hard drive. Total will probably be 5000 words or more.
Type: Slash
Rating: Adult

Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Description: John/Rodney. An overview of Rodney's sexual history. I have about 800 words on my hard drive. I'd estimate 3000-4000 total.
Type: Slash
Rating: Adult

Poll Grace
Poll Grace 2

The following are the plot-bunnies which Havoc havocthecat has put up for voting:

Fandom: Stargate: SG-1/Stargate: Atlantis
Description: Third in a series for an AU where Elizabeth is the pirate queen of Atlantis, and Janet Fraiser is trying to get back to her home city of Cheyenne through Wraith-infested waters without giving the location of her city away to the Wraith. Elizabeth/Teyla, Janet/Daniel implied, Kate/Ronon, Carson/Laura. Series thus far can be found here. (more details here)
Type: het, femslash
Rating: PG-13

Fandom: Stargate: SG-1/Stargate: Atlantis
Description: Janet, Daniel, and Elizabeth, just past the Siege. With attraction, and jealousy, and determination. And smut. (more details here)
Type: threesomey
Rating: NC-17

Fandom: Stargate: Atlantis
Description: Aliens made Elizabeth and Teyla do it. And now they're having a baby. Sequel to All the Pleasures Prove. (more details here)
Type: femslash
Rating: Unknown. Probably R, at least.

Fandom: Stargate: SG-1/Stargate: Atlantis
Description: Set in the mini_otp AU, SG-1, Janet, Jonas, and Elizabeth are all cloned teenagers. Janet and Elizabeth are dating. Sequel to Of Transfers and Margaritas. Contains Janet/Elizabeth, Vala/Daniel, and Sam/Jack. (more details here)
Type: het, femslash
Rating: R? NC-17?

Poll Havoc
Poll Havoc 2

The following are the plot-bunnies which HonorH honorh has put up for voting:

Fandom: Doctor Who
Description: Pete Tyler and Rose Tyler adjust to each other in the wake of "Doomsday"; tentative title "Becoming Dad."
Type: gen
Rating: PG

Fandom: Doctor Who
Description: Rose runs across the last Time Lord in her new universe--the Master (Jacobi, then Simm), with companions Lucy Cole and Chantho in tow. Alt!Good!Master story.
Type: het
Rating: PG/PG-13

Fandom: Doctor Who/Torchwood
Description: Sequel to Seed Pearls in which Jack and Gwen follow a dimension-hopping bad guy to Rose's universe, where her children are in great danger. Tentatively titled "Children of Time."
Type: het, and because it's Jack, light slash undertones
Rating: R

Fandom: Doctor Who/Torchwood
Description: In the wake of "Last of the Time Lords", Jack recuperates with the Joneses, makes Francine laugh and beds Tish.
Type: het
Rating: PG-13, possibly R

Poll HonorH
Poll HonorH 2

The following are the plot-bunnies which Izhilzha izhilzha has put up for voting:

Fandom: Stargate SG-1
Description: "Into This Haze of Green and Gold" J.M. Barrie once called death "an awfully big adventure." What might that look like to our beloved SG-1? This is one of those surreal, action-filled, metaphor-laden stories about the path into the afterlife.
Type: gen (AU, technically)
Rating: PG-13

Fandom: Numb3rs
Description: "An Integral Part of a Balanced Day" Dr. Larry Fleinhardt learned long ago that the mind, without variety and without the input of the human heart, begins to go in circles. So he makes sure to exchange conversation, concern--love--with the friends and family and others whose paths he crosses daily.
Type: gen
Rating: PG

Description: The CSI team are witches/wizards, part of a new branch of Magical Law Enforcement who are trained in dealing with magical trace elements, spell identification, etc. Now they've been assigned to investigate the scene of the battle in the department of Mysteries, to determine the exact charges against the captured Death Eaters, the culpability of any of the vigilantes who fought them, and to confirm or deny the presence of Sirius Black during the battle and his role in it. [Unfinished from last year's finish-a-thon; I have most of the backstory worked out, and several hundred words written. I'd like to get to 10,000 words or finish, whichever comes first.]
Type: gen, though I reserve the right to hint at 'ships. Avatar fic, of a sort.
Rating: PG

Fandom: The Sentinel (AU)
Description: "Which is Easier?" A police incident two years before robbed Jim of his mobility, and Blair of his life. In the midst of a life as paralyzed as his body, the Sentinel will be given one more chance to find healing. But with Blair not there to offer forgiveness, how can Jim forgive himself?
Type: gen
Rating: PG

Fandom: Numb3rs/The Sentinel
Description: "You Can Share Mine" Alan and Margaret Eppes made it a habit to take their 3-year-old son Don with them on peace marches. At one of them, the Eppes wind up marching next to Naomi Sandburg and little Blair. The boys hit it off, and Don offers to share his daddy with Blair, who doesn't have one. Then Alan gets arrested, and Blair uses his mighty 5-yr-old wisdom to comfort Don, who is terrified that he's not going to have a daddy either. Told from young Don's POV.
Type: gen
Rating: G

Fandom: Numb3rs/Doctor Who
Description: Physicist Larry Fleinhardt has always been fascinated by ideas about time travel. But a professional conference is the last place he expected to encounter a practical application . . . and before he knows it, he's caught up in an adventure that goes way beyond the theoretical.
Type: gen
Rating: PG

Fandom: Numb3rs
Description: An Alan-pov companion piece to "Statistical Ghosts" and "Phantom Intelligence." Charting Alan's reaction to a case that really upset both of his sons. An epilogue to the episode "In Plain Sight."
Type: gen
Rating: PG

Fandom: The Sentinel
Description: "Senseless" A case story, set about 3 years post-series. With Blair's Sentinel research carefully and legally buried, he and Jim are free live normal lives, working as a cop and as a consultant to the Cascade PD. But when a kidnapping case begins to smell of bio-terrorism (this is barely a year after 9/11) and a bright neurologist seeks out Blair's help, they may have to accept that nothing stays a secret forever. Nice high levels of h/c, angst, and sensory weirdness. (Same universe as "Scents of Celebration" and "Coming to Terms.") Currently at approximately 42,000 words; one-half to two-thirds of the story has been written--I'd like to try to finish it.
Type: gen
Rating: R (violence, language)

Fandom: CSI/Numb3rs
Description: "Working Girls" Set pre-series for both shows. About 20 years ago, Catherine Willows realized that life could and should be about more than dancing (no matter how good she looked and how much money she made on the pole). It really frustrated her that she couldn't seem to get that across to the couldn't-be-more-than-16 new dancer who'd just been hired at her club. Megan wasn't the in mood to listen to anybody's advice. . . .
Type: gen
Rating: PG-13 to R (language and adult themes)

Poll Izhilzha
Poll Izhilzha 2

The following are the plot-bunnies which Jedi Buttercup jedibuttercup has put up for voting:

Fandom: Firefly, themes from B:tVS
Description: "Book's Legacy"
"Mal recieves a mysterious package, leading the crew of Serenity on a voyage of discovery. Into every generation..." Deals with Book's backstory and River's future, among other things. (will add 10,000 words)
Currently 24,700 words; last updated Jan 2007. Archived at watching_river.

Type: action/drama, contains het relationships
Rating: PG-15

Fandom: B:tVS and Angel
Description: "Never Look Back"
Fourth, and last, novel in the Lesser Men series, which diverged from canon in late S6/S3. Wesley (who is Connor) attempts to recover Faith from the Council, Lilah Morgan attempts to further meddle in the good guys' affairs, and someone's still got to move all that furniture. (will add 10,000 words)
Currently 44,612 words; last updated Nov 2006. Archived at lesser_men_saga.

Type: action, contains het relationships
Rating: R

Fandom: Harry Potter
Description: "Back Again, Harry?"
"Harry makes a different choice in King's Cross, and is given the double-edged gift of a second chance."
A time travel AU, branching from Deathly Hallows Chapter 35 and looping back to the middle of Book 1; a hopefully new take on an old cliche. (will add 10,000 words)
14,000 words as of 8/20/2007; new project underway. Previous chapters tagged:

Type: drama/action, contains background het
Rating: PG-13

Poll Jedi Buttercup
Poll Jedi Buttercup 2

The following are the plot-bunnies which Joanne joanne_c has put up for voting:

Fandom: Torchwood/8MM
Description: AU (for both sources). Jack has been kidnapped. The team receives a DVD which shows Jack being raped. Ianto goes undercover in the seamy world of BDSM and meets Max California who helps him find Jack - and helps him find a lot of other things in the process.
Type: slash - Max/Ianto, implied previous Jack/Ianto and Jack/Owen.
Rating: Couldn't not be NC-17.

Fandom: Torchwood/RPF
Description: Five Things story. Five classic movie stars Jack Harkness has had an encounter with. The five stars must be ones I can write so I will choose them.
Type: het/slash
Rating: Could go up to NC-17, definitely an R overall.

Fandom: Torchwood/RPF
Description: Five Things story. Five modern movie stars Jack Harkness has had an encounter with. The five stars must be ones I can write, so I will choose them.
Type: het/slash
Rating: Could go up to NC-17, definitely an R overall.

Fandom: Torchwood/RPF
Description: Five Things story. Five music stars Jack Harkness has had an encounter with. The five stars must be ones I can write, so I will choose them.
Type: het/slash
Rating: Could go up to NC-17, definitely an R overall.

Fandom: Smallville
Description: Five Things story. Five different takes, with different partners, of the scene in which Desiree tries to seduce Clark in the loft in the episode Heat. Desiree is the POV character but is not necessarily involved in all of the pairings.
Type: het/slash
Rating: Likely NC-17 - but if it's mild it could be an overall R.

Fandom: Torchwood
Description: The real Captain Jack Harkness somehow goes through the Rift with Tosh and Jack. He has to learn how to adjust to life in the 21st century.
Type: slash (possibly some het content)
Rating: Likely NC-17

Fandom: Torchwood/Doctor Who
Description: The real Captain Jack Harkness is not killed but is picked up by the TARDIS. Will bend canon and make it a Ninth Doctor story if the inspiration goes that way.
Type: slash
Rating: NC-17

Fandom: Doctor Who
Description: AU of The Girl In The Fireplace. Rose is trapped in Versailles for several months and becomes close to Reinette - and Louis.
Type: het/slash
Rating: NC-17.

Fandom: Doctor Who/Torchwood/possibly others.
Description: Ten ways Rose Tyler might have moved on with her life after the Doctor. A double Five things story.
Type: het/slash.
Rating: At least R.

Poll Joanne
Poll Joanne 2

finishathon 2007

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