Chemistry is awesome.

Dec 21, 2009 19:55

Periodic Table of Elements

Status ;; Closed!

- Rules:
o1. Two claims per user, unlimited users per claim!
o2. When claiming, you can use this table for reference.
o3. Please make sure to tell me the actual name of the element, rather than it's symbol. So basically you'd type in Zinc rather than Zn. I won't bite you if you don't, but it would make things easier for me. (Says the AP Chemistry student!)


Zinc ☆.•° Zn

- cherrymilk

Cobalt ☆.•° Co

- angelis_ignis
- sheriruu

Titanium ☆.•° Ti

- angelis_ignis

Lithium ☆.•° Li

- tamaryokucha
- cataclysmatic
- nopan
- lienoym
- wicked_lovelace
- libelith
- innoc3nt_sorrow
- neurotripsy

Mercury ☆.•° Hg

- tamaryokucha
- nardaviel
- mist_ball
- fishwinds
- foukay

Platinum ☆.•° Pt

- urban_wisdom
- winterfeelings
- pseudosteel
- visionarynotion
- mist_ball

Silver ☆.•° Ag

- urban_wisdom
- izzy_flew_away
- dara_rocks
- winterfeelings
- aka_ribbon
- furorian
- innoc3nt_sorrow
- sono_ike
- littlefuji

Iodine ☆.•° I

- piernik_is_here
- wicked_lovelace
- libelith

Krypton ☆.•° Kr

- mewshoo
- bluejayes
- furorian
- hakfung

Gold ☆.•° Au

- yuffie_kisaragi
- eclisis
- sono_ike

Uranium ☆.•° U

- yuffie_kisaragi
- phoebonica
- dreamsxcometrue
- yue_akuma
- kuronekopirate
- noahko

Oxygen ☆.•° O

- rakuten_tenki
- soundless_room
- dreamsxcometrue
- visionarynotion
- italic
- ohmytaemin

Lutetium ☆.•° Lu

- deeplysinned

Arsenic ☆.•° As

- deeplysinned
- soundless_room
- yue_akuma
- lienoym

Nitrogen ☆.•° N

- rain_on_light
- darkalessa

Ruthenium ☆.•° Ru

- elevarse

Hydrogen ☆.•° H

- xperfect_lines
- rubystar45
- vashti
- ebon_gray
- italic
- ohmytaemin

Copper ☆.•° Cu

- rubystar45

Boron ☆.•° B

- vashti

Seaborgium ☆.•° Sg

- nardaviel

Argon ☆.•° Ar

- staticphrase

Nobelium ☆.•° No

- phoebonica

Carbon ☆.•° C

- ebon_gray
- carbon

Scandium ☆.•° Sc

- gasmask

Chlorine ☆.•° Cl

- kitsuneasika

Neon ☆.•° Ne

- rainsmercy
- bluejayes
- spurnedambition
- omegaphones

Radon ☆.•° Rn

- jonesmeister

Vanadium ☆.•° V

- wordsnatcher

Silicone ☆.•° Si

- nopan
- spurnedambition

Rubidium ☆.•° Rb

- kuri_ku_ku

Antimony ☆.•° Sb

- kuri_ku_ku

Einsteinium ☆.•° Es

- pseudosteel

Plutonium ☆.•° Pu

- kuronekopirate
- turnersyndrome

Selenium ☆.•° Se

- furorian

Sulfur ☆.•° S

- voradorian

Tellurium ☆.•° Te
- omegaphones

Lead ☆.•° Pb
- foukay

Magnesium ☆.•° Mg

- hakfung


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