May 23, 2011 16:38
So I actually got heavily engrossed into a video game this weekend.....first time since I left gamestop. I got my hands on "Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together" remake for the PSP. If we got more remakes like this game, we wouldn't need new games all that often. I own and played the PSone release back in the day, because its the inspiration for "Final Fantasy Tactics" which is one of my a time favorite games. Will if I really want to be geeky "Tactics Ogre" was originally made on the SNES but didn't get released in North America till the PSone release. Problem with the PSone release is it takes FOREVER to grind in this game and you need to do it A LOT. I got pretty far in the PSone release, but got burned out with all the grinding and never got around to finishing. Boy is this release great; grinding is much easier, and a lot of the jobs were tweaked to help solve some of the balance issues in the last release. If you like SRPGs and own a PSP I highely reckomend checking out "Tactics Ogre" its well worth it.
In-between playing the above mentioned game I decided to re-watch some of Clannad: After story. Great series for fans of Clannad or any of the Key/Visual Arts series. I had mixed feelings with Luci Christen playing Nagisa. Luci's always been very a good fit for spunky hyper or angry roles; like Kaname from "Full Metal Panic!", or Tenma from "School Rumble". Nagisa is a much softer calmer role then I am used to seeing her in, but I got to say I thought she did a bang up job! Be warned this show is a tearjerker. Not many shows extract emotion out of me but this one did, and then the last episode of the main story came....
What the hell Key/Visual Arts?! Don't get me wrong I am all about happy endings, and I have to admit I didn't see any good way to get a really happy ending out of this show, but don't go pulling a crazy "supernatural time-distorting/It was just a dream" explanation of the tragic moments of the series to get the show back on a "rainbows and puppy-dogs" happy ending. All you successfully did was make everything up to the last episode feel cheap..... BAH!!!
Well as far as work is concerned I taking on yet another role. Since I have 10+ years of retail experience; work has decided that I am to take on the role as a retail consultant within the company and customers, to help smooth things along with our retail accounts. Hurray!
video game