Jul 11, 2004 13:14
John seems to think that in the future, people are still going to have "free will" or somthing like that. Well john, if the future ends up THE WAY I PREDICTED... do you really think that people are going to be allowed free will. Pifft.
Also, people seem to think that these ideas are cruel or harsh or satanic and i have to say, WHO CARES, ITS NOT LIKE YOUR GOING TO BE AROUND TO SEE IT!
^^^^ Based on the above response i have made of list of people who would do well in the future^^^
1. Myself ( I havent banned music, and there will be alot to rant about in the future)
2. John (He's a good plebian)
3. Keera ( She would like all this broken will stuff)
4. Alora (Same reason)
5. The Toront Blue Jays (its not like they do anything good as it is)
5. Americans ( They already have people to think for them and can easily be broken)
----> Next is a few people who wouldnt do well in the future:
1. Camille ( If shes not the ruler, she'll probably go insane)
2. Jesus ( the realization that he doesnt exsist might hurt a bit)
3. The Religious (the realization that their deitys dont exist might hurt a bit)
4. Punk music (by law its all going to die very very slowly)
5. Rap (Same deal^^^^^^^)