
Aug 12, 2008 10:04

Dearest diary,

It's been a while since I had a chance to write to you. Lots going on here!

Darda is still staying with me. She is quiet sometimes, like she is thinking about very serious things. I wonder what it is, but I know that sometimes people just need to think. She slept alot when she first got here, but now she seems to have more get up and go. Maybe the hot spring is helping with that? She likes to have tea while she soaks. I try not to look when I bring the tea out there, or when she comes inside.

She takes walks in the woods sometimes, and when she comes back she seems more energized. I can understand that. When I walk in the woods with Rags it is very peaceful and I feel recharged. It is weird but sometimes when I walk I think I can hear whispering in my ears, but it is just me and Rags. I wonder if it is Great Father Winter?

I snooped a little more in Darda's clothes. I could not help it! She has very pretty things. I tried to put it all back, because it is not nice to sneak around and try on other peoples things. There was an adorable, lacey little ... I just could not help myself. I think it might have stretched out a lot little. I stuffed them in the bottom of her trunk. Maybe she will not notice. I hope.

Caeryn is home again; back from the North End! She said she told her people that she needed to come back home. I am glad. That place sounds dangerous. Clair is going there now. I am worried for her.

Caeryn talked to me about Darda. She said Darda should not stay with me anymore. She said I am too nice, and that Darda is taking advantage of me. I do not know. She asked if I had searched Darda's things. I could not lie to her so I said I had looked at her clothes. That did not seem to be what she was talking about. I did not mention about trying on her things, but Caeryn did not ask about that. So I did not lie.

She said I could meet her cat!

Love, Sara
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