Private Practice Fic (1/1)

Oct 19, 2007 14:04

Title: Any Other World
Author: muldy
Pairing: Cooper/Violet
Spoilers: 1x04
Rating: PG
Word Count: 828 words

Summary: He just wasn’t the type of person she would ever date. She liked serious men, serious and mature. And not obsessed with internet hookers.

A/N: This is post-episode for 1x04 and un-beta'd.

Any Other World )

privatepractice, fic

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Comments 33

cecism October 19 2007, 06:38:27 UTC
Omigod, the cuteness of that is practically oozing out of my monitor here! *flails* Your characterisation was so damn good. Especially - and this is going to sound weird - Pete. I totally heard his voice saying that. ;)


muldy October 19 2007, 10:53:11 UTC
Haha funny you should say that - because while writing it I was like 'man, Pete is the easiest character to write!'. Hehehe. OMG I am such a shipper! Sorry I just came from shitty work and I log on and look at your icon and now I'm all happy again!



cecism October 19 2007, 10:55:04 UTC
I may or may not be in the process of iconing this week's too, on top of the ones I did last week.

Evidently my Friday night this week is terribly exciting. *looks mournfully at books* Pfft. Screw that because OMG COOPER.


muldy October 19 2007, 11:04:57 UTC
OMG yay more icons! Lol you are now my personal Private Practice icon maker :-P

Yes my Friday night is exhilirating as well...I now have to go share the squee by dropping the ep in smirky_turkey's letterbox so she understands. That may possibly be the highlight of my night (but then again I have work at 9AM)


natushka October 19 2007, 09:09:45 UTC
EEE! cooper/violet fic!! I can't believe the writers actually went there SO early in the series! this is awesome! <3 your fic too :)


muldy October 19 2007, 10:55:01 UTC

*dead from squee*

I know I can't believe they went there either, and I totally want them together yet but I am quite happy for there to be ship *squeals more*


wrldpossibility October 19 2007, 14:58:29 UTC
Great job. I've only seen the last two eps of PP, but I'm already really liking these two. Could it have something to do with my deep Kellerman love? Hmm. Love your work, as alawys!


muldy October 19 2007, 22:18:40 UTC
I think my obseession has alot to do with my love for Kellerman. Thanks!


alianne October 19 2007, 15:15:10 UTC
*squeees* That was absolutely perfect and so cute! You seriously rock for writing Cooper/Violet fic. yay. :)


muldy October 19 2007, 22:23:07 UTC
Yay a review from alianne! It's been a while hehe *hugs* Glad you enjoyed it.


happywriter06 October 19 2007, 18:28:23 UTC
You're trying to make me ship C/V aren't you? Admit it.

Yet for the first time, standing in Addison’s house, the way he had looked at her as he’d spoken those words there had been something else there. Maybe it was something in his tone of voice, something in the way that he seemed unable to direct his gaze at her, finding the need for his eyes to be everywhere but on her, his speed at brushing away the comment as nothing. There had been something.


muldy October 19 2007, 22:23:43 UTC
Come on, you know you want to :-P

And hey no one made you read Cooper/Violet fic! You're juts a secret shipper already ;-)


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