Private Practice Fic (1/1)

Oct 19, 2007 14:04

Title: Any Other World
Author: muldy
Pairing: Cooper/Violet
Spoilers: 1x04
Rating: PG
Word Count: 828 words

Summary: He just wasn’t the type of person she would ever date. She liked serious men, serious and mature. And not obsessed with internet hookers.

A/N: This is post-episode for 1x04 and un-beta'd.

Any Other World )

privatepractice, fic

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cecism October 19 2007, 06:38:27 UTC
Omigod, the cuteness of that is practically oozing out of my monitor here! *flails* Your characterisation was so damn good. Especially - and this is going to sound weird - Pete. I totally heard his voice saying that. ;)


muldy October 19 2007, 10:53:11 UTC
Haha funny you should say that - because while writing it I was like 'man, Pete is the easiest character to write!'. Hehehe. OMG I am such a shipper! Sorry I just came from shitty work and I log on and look at your icon and now I'm all happy again!



cecism October 19 2007, 10:55:04 UTC
I may or may not be in the process of iconing this week's too, on top of the ones I did last week.

Evidently my Friday night this week is terribly exciting. *looks mournfully at books* Pfft. Screw that because OMG COOPER.


muldy October 19 2007, 11:04:57 UTC
OMG yay more icons! Lol you are now my personal Private Practice icon maker :-P

Yes my Friday night is exhilirating as well...I now have to go share the squee by dropping the ep in smirky_turkey's letterbox so she understands. That may possibly be the highlight of my night (but then again I have work at 9AM)


cecism October 19 2007, 10:57:02 UTC
Oh, and you should totally post this to pp_fic 'cause they really need to break up the Addie/Pete-ness. ;P


muldy October 19 2007, 11:05:15 UTC
Done hehe!


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