I'm leaving on a... slow boat to China

Jun 29, 2007 11:18

So here we go, another "Ellen hates commerical air travel" rant. That's becuase the whole process never fails to piss me off... the sheer inefficiency, the fear-mongering, the whole she-bang is a circus at best. It also doesn't help that it's now Tourist Season and this means... the airport is full of travelers that need to have their hands held at every turn. No, not all of them, I'm not making a sweeping generalization, but there are just a higher number of OMG WUT DOO I DOO people that don't really know what to do (the process is not that user-friendly, some people aren't used to travel, and then some people are just kdsjfs;klj), which only excaberates the inefficency of it all. There's always one person who has as much carry-on baggage as I do checked baggage (which makes me wonder why I even bother checking shit in), and the amount of checked baggage this person has could furnish my house (it's a very small house, mind you.)
Then there's going through secuirty. UGH. UGH. UGH. And UGH. It's the worst part of the process. Security, yes, it's *always* been needed, but the way it's done is horribly inefficient, and it's been worse since 9-11. And once people have unpacked all their carry-on baggage and internal organs, there's never a real place set aside for people to repack thier baggage and thier innards. So we have to hop about, putting on shoes, getting livers and kidneys mixed about,
"Oh hey, that's my Liver"
"Sorry, sorry. I say, isn't that my spleen?"
"No dear, you had it removed."
all the while trying to get out of everyone's way.

Oh the other hand, I'm getting out of here for a little while. Away from work, the humdrum, a chance to (hopefully) relax a bit, and I get to see my family and meet my new nephew. :D

travel, airports suck

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