Why! Why! do i have to be single

Dec 14, 2002 23:20

oh gosh i went to Stain Mart with my mom and i bought cute undies well neways. there were these two really hot guys and i was like omg what are they doing in this store. well turns out they went shopping i guess with their girlfriends and i was like why do i have to be single. I put alot of thought into it maybe i wasnt meant to have a boyfriend, i dunno.

My sister calls me like before i leave and shes like omg... and i was like... WHAT! and shes like carlos says hey and why havent you called and i was like ugh. and then she was like yah i told him you were sick and then he was like aaawwww poor girl. I am not sick i am just fustrated. I dont know i got alot of pimples from stress and what this lady told me once sexual fustration. I dont know. I feel really dumb.

Clauds has a guy, vanessa has a guy, so does elyssa dee laura denean nicole catherine oh gosh the list goes on and on for cryin out loud AMY!!! has one. i dont understand, maybe i am getting fat, maybe its my face? i dunno. aaahhhh!

I wonder what Juan is doing? i feel in love with him. Hes sweet tall i guess built never saw with out a shirt but he seems like a really cool guy. problem he lives in mexico. but theres a plus. he wants to come to the US for a reason. He told his friend who lives here...to come see me!! and i was like yes! but i dont know. i dont want to get my hopes up.

I think i am bragging to much on the subject about guys but it bothers me when i see everyone else have a boyfriend because i want someone to love me and do all that mushy stuff and someone to talk to. i dont know.

"how come when you are single you see couples(boyfriend girlfriends) but when you are in a couple all you see are HOOKERS?"

i am tired i am going to see what there is to do at this hour of the night.
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