Read some comments that people did not like this episode so maybe my expectations were lowered but I really like it a lot even though all the American history jokes flew over my head. It is one of the few episodes that I rewatched immediately because it featured a lot of the cast and did not have a 'Liz is ugly' resolution.
Anyway I have not done this in a looong while but since it's Friday and I am ignoring work, PICSPAM! (Jack/Liz centric of course.)
Yeah I would be annoyed if my lover I got interrupted by a text.
Hey! So now we know he has a photo of her on his phone!
I just like how intently he stares at her.
LOVED the Lutz abuse in this one.
Aw Jonathan. (Is he still on Weeds?)
ASLK(*@&2663. CHEEKS = ♥
He is only happy when Jack is happy! JACKONATHAN FTW!
Can someone explain this to me? Because I totally did not get it. Also stomach action!
HEE. I am going to use '= Synergy' for any justification purposes from now on.
Liz and Pete! It is kind of awesome that these two know each other for almost 20 years.
GRIZZ/DOTCOM-FIGHT! This cracked me up.
LOVE that Sue is getting screentime. But what happened to Girl Writer? I hope she was not banished to Joshville.
Looking adorable LL.
Er. Coffee table? Window? Non-chameleon-bathroom-door? Chair in the corner instead of tv? Too many frames? Plants? IDK.
I know they are just teasing us but I am going to take it that Liz completely wants to kiss Jack Donaghy and has been thinking of it for the past season and a half.
And he has been thinking it too. :)
ANNOYED!KENNETH. He better be taking over NBC within the next 2 seasons.
Ridiculously oversized feather is ridiculously oversized.
I just like to look at him without his blazer. -shrugs-
I have a thing for high foreheads. -shrugs other shoulder-
Loving the thigh action. And that she finally stopped wearing oversized shirts. WHAT HAPPENED TO THE CLEAVAGE, SHOW?
It was like she and Alec were competing to make the most adorable squirrely face.
Silas Merrymount Peppercorn and his first wife, Moronica. She's British.
Really adorable with the ponytail.
Wow, I really missed doing that. Huh. Ugh the show is on hiatus next week which sucks because I promised myself that it will be the only show I will make time for during term time. DAMN YOU FAUX!DISCIPLINE.
Also, I don't mean to scare you guys but this is supposed to make people want to buy baby clothes:
AND IT WORKS Also, note to self: stop getting lured into fights with 12 year olds on ONTD. YOU ARE TOO FUCKING OLD FOR THAT.