Hace bastante bien hoy, ¿no?
Translation was cancelled today, ergo I'm typing this from the ETS. Composition/Conversation's next and I'm going to Loathe it; we're to have a "discussion" on Mar Adentro, which means that everyone's going to sit silently, stare at the ceiling, and he's going to yell at us for not discussing it -__-;; I mean it'd be easier if it weren't such a big class, you know? Discussion ain't exactly my forte either (not an extremely opinionated person, you dig?).
Let's hope this goes better than I expect, yeah? Sorry I'm being kind of "glass half-empty" right now; estoy bastante cansado. The rest of the day doesn't seem too demanding though; watching a film in History/Culture (The Mission) and a regular lesson day in JPA202.
Tasks at hand (in order of priority):
Finish Painting before tomorrow
Study for History/Culture quiz
Translate more Miranda Rights
Probably going to have a composition to develope after next class
Man, this painting, ¡que exigente es! I mean, I guess it's my fault for having picked so many objects in the composition :P Still, it seems to be requiring much more time (exponentially) than the last two by far. It's just that there's so many objects, each with their own set of details and colors to be considered~
Picked up Frances the Mute (The Mars Volta) and Nyana (DJ Tiesto) over the weekend; both recommended.
YTMND of the Day
Bilbo wants it Bleh.
11:00am UpDate
woo7; no movie discussion today (that's been put off until next week), but rather one on AIDS. Also, a composition to develope about Noise, which causes Stress, which causes Health Problems.
Una vez más, que bueno hace hoy~