(no subject)

May 28, 2010 01:07

Awwwh, I just found the FFX prequel demo I made some years back. You can run around a crappily-made Besaid, gawk at an apparently coked-up chocobo, chat up child!Lulu and fight spastic water flans. Also there are poorly-rendered midi versions of the FFX soundtrack!

If anyone wants to try it, I uploaded it here: http://filevo.com/jx2v4bqc2ha1.html

Decompress, open up trans3.exe and load demo.gam

Kind of annoying, but when I made a stand-alone .exe the enemies never showed up and I never bothered to figure out why. Or rather my motherboard fried and I didn't get around to backing up the data until now. It's kind of fun this way though, because you can see all the source tiles. I kind of want to poke at it again, haha. Make the tiles and animation not suck quite as bad. AURON, YOU DO NOT NEED TO CONSTANTLY BLINK WHILE YOU ARE STANDING STILL.

Oh and it's Windows only. :(

Comments very welcome, and of course uh, the insert legal-esque stuff here:
I own none of these characters!
If you happen to break your computer running it, WELL THAT'S KIND OF AN ACCOMPLISHMENT. But you're on your own. No warranties expressed or implied etc etc.

Otherwise, have fun! :D
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