(no subject)

May 09, 2010 16:43

Haaaaay, remember when I used to write fic? Well, here's one for this here meme.

Title: Summoner's Privilege
Fandom: Final Fantasy X
Characters: Wen Kinoc/Braska. Slash intentional. Yes, really.
Rating: G
Wordcount: Not actually a drabble, apparently.
Notes: Kinoc/Braska for owlmoose

"Have you told him?" Kinoc stares at the furthest corner of the room. He doesn't look at the man he addresses.

Braska makes a contemplative hmm. "I'm not sure it's needed."

"It would only be fair."

Braska's eyes crinkle, amusement clear in his voice. "You're worried about fairness now?"

"Auron is my friend," Kinoc says.

Braska frees a hand from the sleeve of his formal robes and places it lightly on Kinoc's knee. "That is precisely why I trust him." Braska emphasizes his words with a stroke of his thumb along his partner's thigh.

Kinoc lowers his head, pale eyes glimmering under his dark lashes. He cups a hand around his auburn beard as the corners of his mouth go tight. "Please don't go." He says it quickly, desperately, without expectation. Any real plea had long since dried up and blown away. They both knew that.

"You could still come with me." Braska, for all his apparent altruism, was unrepentantly selfish.

"No. I can't."

"Of course not. You have quite a future ahead of you, Commander Wen Kinoc."

The words catch at Kinoc like an unsharp blade. "Stop it." For the first time in their conversation, Kinoc turns to face the other man. "You die, and what then? We have a lifetime to miss you."

Braska locks eyes with Kinoc. He has already said good-bye to his daughter, his friends and the house he once shared with his wife.

Braska entwines his fingers with Kinoc's. "After I'm gone, Promise me you'll give this world hope."

Kinoc says nothing.

braska, kinoc, fanfic

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