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Jan 14, 2010 02:46

Title: Fire
Fandom: FFX
Characters: Auron/Lulu
Notes: Auron learns a bit of magic. This bit is based on my Auron/Lulu AU A Song Played on Muted Strings. All you really need to know is that this Auron never went back to challenge Yunalesca, going instead to Besaid to watch after Yuna. A gift fic for the lovely auronlu. Crossposted to aulu. All and any comments happily received!

"Are you ready?" Lulu settled to her knees, chiffon gown pooling around her.

"Hmm. Uncertain. It's been a while." Auron arched his back and extended his entwined fingers above him, stiff joints popping satisfyingly as he eased into full lotus. He was old, and had never been excessively limber, even as a young monk.

"Well, I think it's a good idea," She grazed her hands over her round belly, "you never know when you might need to tend the hearth, after all. And Firaga is far more convenient than a pair of dead twigs."

"We start with Fire," Auron said dryly, "After which, we can discuss scorching the entirety of the island."

Lulu unrolled a small, elaborately embroidered square of silk between them. Upon it, she placed a sphere. Her slim fingers brushed Auron's forearm as she reached for his hands. "You're tense."

Auron let out a slow breath, sagging a little without breaking posture. His calloused hands felt clumsy and imprecise in hers.

"By the wisdom of Yevon, let me teach you, Auron of Besaid."

"By the wisdom of Yevon, I am your willing student."

Carefully, Lulu transferred the sphere to his open palm, where it flickered with veins of white-orange.

"Know the gift of Ifrit."

He felt it to the roots of his eyelashes. Everything in him pleaded to pull away, to let the sphere fall and scald the ground beneath him. The sickening smell of his own frying flesh pervaded the air.

"Master it, Auron. Find where it lives in you and tame it."

He scarcely heard her. His eardrums rattled with the crackle and sputter of burning forests. Her face was obscured by the black-burning smoke of ore and the nauseating blur of heat wobble. His lungs burned with sulfur.

It had been five years already -- the first night of them. Her slender, smooth form mismatched against his -- pitted and puckered with old wounds, a once-groomed warrior gone to seed -- thickened and slimmed in all the wrong places. The cool beauty of her cheek against his fevered chest. He seethed with hot blood as she exhaled the very air of Gagazet.

His hands licked her curves like flames on lantern glass -- rugged fingertips dragging over the crest of a hip, the mount of a breast, the hollow of her navel. He made her cry out with whimpers that surprised them both, her frost breath extinguishing his wildfire ply of kisses. Her cool hands scrolled the paths of bone, flesh and fallen muscle as she mounted him. He arced and pitched, her hottest point tight around him. Hot muscle in frantic, wild concert under her controlled, gliding kneads. It had been too long, burning by the old flames, it had been too -- like lava blasting against night sky, he burst within her, consuming and consumed.

And then he was cool. Still as an old black volcano in the rainy season. The blisters healed, his lungs cleared and the air was filled with the heady perfume of the tropics -- fruit, flowers and sea.

He opened his eyes cautiously, letting the thick tones of blue and green filter slowly through his lashes. The sphere glowed steadily now, faint orange from the heart of a flame. A single spark rose on the draft of his breath.

Lulu smiled wryly. "Impressive, young pupil."

Auron grunted dismissively, replacing the sphere upon its silken grid. In a single, calculated move, he snatched her hairstick and his still-hot hands snaked into the braids that spilled in streams at the nape of her cool neck.

He could do better, and he intended to prove it.

fanfic, aulu, lulu, auron

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