suddenly, a fic appears

Jan 14, 2010 01:49

Title: Loyalty and Duty
Fandom: FFX
Characters: Auron, Yuna, mention of Braska
Rating: G
Word Count: 491
Notes: Requested by owlmoose, who wanted some Auron & Yuna gen action. This is AU. Maester Auron. That's really all you need to know. All comments happily received!

"Maester Auron." She said, rising from a deep prayer bow, "I would like to express my gratitude for agreeing to see me today. "

"State your business."

"Yes, your grace. My name is Yuna, and I believe you know my father from--"

"That is irrelevant. Continue with your request."

"Your grace, my father has taken ill. He is too ill to continue with his duties at the temple."

"The duties from which he was relieved nearly twenty years ago by order of the council of Yevon?" He gestured to the standard of the council behind him.

"Sir, the church provided no other healers to replace him. Our village needed him. He did what was right."

"What is right is no matter for an excommunicated healer -- nor his daughter -- to determine," He shifted his gaze to the ceiling, the cold shadows of sphere-light darkening the craggy planes of his face and obscuring his eyes.

"Without my father, the people would suffer. He's done the work of Yevon for years without payment or support from the church. He deserves the aid of the temples as much as any of the clergy, and," Her voice pressed tense against her throat as her face grew hot, "he said you could help."

Yuna braced herself as her platform lurched into motion, slowly rising toward the Maester's balcony.

As she drew closer to eye level, Yuna could see Auron was not the fond character she'd imagined from her father's stories. She saw nothing of the steadfast friend who nearly lost a tooth defending the name of a friend in a pub brawl nor the headstrong young monk who had smuggled a bottle of sanctified marriage wine to her parents' wedding.

This man was a maester -- a diamond set in the golden chain that binds the whole of Spira. Icy, impervious and elusive.

"In the eyes of Yevon, your father is a dangerous conspirator deserving of incarceration. And the council," Auron drew into the high, silver-hemmed cowl of his robes, "has attempted to issue a warrant for his arrest every year for the last thirty years. Your father has been a lucky man thus far."

Yuna squared her shoulders and leaned over the rail, closing the distance between them the best she could. "I traveled five days to seek your help. I can't imagine you feel no duty to him after all--"

."For the last five years the council has rejected the warrant by a single vote. Tell Braska I have done all that I can." With a rustling of his robes, Auron rose and moved toward the antechamber. Hope all but exhausted, Yuna's vision thickened with tears. Auron paused for a moment before he exited.

"And -- Yuna, was it?," He regarded her as though through frosted glass, "Loyalty is not duty. To confuse the two is a mistake, and dangerous."

With that, he was gone.

yuna, fanfic, auron

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