(no subject)

Feb 15, 2007 13:05

This is requested badfic for first_seventhe and bottle_of_shine. You don't want to read this unless you're one of them. I wrote this in a room full of drying paint with absolutely no ventilation. Also I was blindfolded. While riding in an astronaut's centrifuge full of hornets.

It's a "sucked into the game self-insert (except the "self" here is supposed to be an insecure British* preteen) mary sue high school AU songfic". I think I covered all bases.

*Except it wouldn't really be called high school, would it? I am not expanding my knowledge of British slang/spelling for this, oh no.

I abscond, abscond I say!

I dont own any of the charcterz so u cant sue me lolz except
Malindabree and don't take her, shes copyright me. Or I'll rip ur
face off lolz Every one else and FFX is copyright PS2.......Lyricz
copyright azlyrics.tripod.angelfire.com/353546/linkinpark.html


Let me tell you a story about a girl,a playstation2,and,her crazy
adventure's in a another world known as Spira............ Her
name is Malindabree Jennifer Hikaru-Crystalstone and she has long red
hair,the colour of blood and black streaks in the colour of dried
blood.She also has lips that she uses glittery purple lipstick on and
pretty long eyelashes that never needs masarea.She likes to wear a
black tshirt that said "Princess'. She is 5'1, 102 poubds and wears
chuck taylors with rainbo laces and a ruffly skirt. She has one blue
eye the colour of the ocean and sky and one green eye the colour of
grass and people say she takes there breath away. One stormy day she
is playing Video Games, Her favorite is FFX. Her mum yells up stairs,
"Honey be careful, it's storming, don't get shocked!!!" Suddenly
their's a bright flash like a strobe lite and she screams. It fells
like she's is sucked in a vaccum all of a sudden,, her hair is
standing up and she screams. "Ughhhh!!!" she says when she is knocked


/I don't think you're all ready
Yo, I don't think you're all ready
Grafitti decourations
Under a sky of grey
This constant apprehension
Still giving me away/


I wake up to a bright lite above me and wondering if she's in heaven.
"Be carefull, your hurt, ya" She here's a worried Jamacian man's voice
above her. "What?? Where am i?? Am I dreaming??"" she exclaims. "Get a
hold of yourself, or you'll be hurt more, ya!!" Her eyes flutter open
and she sees a man with spiky orange hair, the colour of fire and tan
muscles. He had a blue headband on. Melindabree sits up and looks
around. She isn't in Kansas any more, that's for sure!! Around her,
there are four ppl and the Jamaca guy says "My name's Wakka." "Hi
Wakka, I'm Melindabree."
A quiet, pretty preppy girl with one blue eye and one green eye like me says
"Im Yuna."
A emo girl with purple lips like me except with long black dreds says "Im Lulu."
A blonde boy who's really hot but also a bit of a chav smiles and says "I'm Tidus."
"Where, am I?"
"You're in Spira, silly, don't you rememember?" Laughs Lulu.
"Last I remember, I was in my room playing ffx"
They all look confused. "Whats FFX?" They ecxlaim.
"Nevermind, I say. So are we go Zanerkand?" I ask.
"Me and Tidus are next week." Said Wakka.
"Arent the rest of us too??"
"Ha, ha, ha. That's funny. Girls don't play Blitz ball." Said Tidus.
"Blitzball?? In Zanerkand??" I shout.
"Of course." Yuna smilted.
"Our team the Spiran Sorcerers play The Zanerkand Abes next week."
Explained Wakka.
"Oh, we'd better get to class, lunch is over." Shouts Lulu.
Melindabree looks confused. "Class??" She says.
"Yeah, next period we are gonna have Mr Auron."
"Auron's here??" I exclaim.
"Of course, he teaches pre-algebra and sword fighting." Says Tidus.
"You can come with me and Ill show you your locker, " Said Lulu and smiled.


/The lessons I've forgotten
In spite of all I've learned
Now, I find myself in question
Point the finger at me again
Guilty by association
Point the finger at me again/


I can't believe I am in High school in Spra with
Wakka,Tidus,Auron,Lulu,and,Yuna, Malindabree thinks to herself. But
where's Rikku and Kimahri? Just then, a big furry blue cat walked by.
"That's principle Seymour's cat Kiki Mari." Lulu admits. I bend down
and pet his ear and her purrs. "I love cats." I smile sweetly.

Then suddenly a fat girl with acne and messy blonde hair walks by. "That is
Rikku. She's a theif. She stole the Japanese club's bakesale money."
"She seems nice" Malindabree says to her sweetly.
"Well, she's not. Don't trust her or else she will steal everything.
Including you're man!!" She added "If you dont beleive me, ask Paine
about Nooj."
"I'll remember that," I reply.
Then the bell rings. "We'd better hurry!!"


/I want to runaway (I want to runaway)
I want to know the truth (I want to know the truth)
I want to know the answers (I want to know the answers)
I want to shut the door
And open up my mind/


"Class, please settle down!! We have a new student today. Her name
is Malindabree and she's an exchange student..................."
"From the aisle of Besaid" I muttered.
Malindabree sat down in my chair next to Lulu and looked at Aurom. He
smiled at her. She thinks to her self, I didn't know Auron knew
"Okay, first half of the class we will sword fight then we will open
our pre-algebra books."
So then we all got out our swords. Malindabree got a sword that was
bigger than herself, with a dragon on the handle and faeries on the
blade, that shimmered in the sun. She was partnered up witth Lulu and
we started. Auron walked around to me. "Your natural." He stated.
She blushed and kept fightning. Suddenly Malindabree cried out. "My
ankle!!" She cried. The last thing she knew before she fell and
passed out was strong hands on her back.


AN: K I wuz ridin high on a sugar high when I wuz writin this,like 14 pixie
stix and Mountaindew could u tell LOL? PLEEEEASE R&R, I wont keep
goin if i dont get sum reviewz also i am havin a contest to name
Melindabree and Auron'z
babiez so stay tuned.........LOL

Also, the gmail ads that appeared as I was writing this in an email? GOLDEN AND AMUSING.
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