Mar 16, 2004 21:48
It's hard believe we've only just started the week, so much has been going on.
The atmosphere was so awful yesterday that the Headmaster called a staff meeting about it, mainly to give the staff a dressing-down about all the rumours going around. Basically the message was to stop the rumour-mongering and pull together. Sensible message, considering the times. "A house divided cannot stand," to use Abraham Lincoln's words in a rather different context.
I'll just say that Dumbledore does have quite the knack of making one feel guilty, even though I hadn't been gossiping with the other staff in this case--hell, I could hardly write my thoughts in this journal! And unlike Trelawney, I made sure it was a private message. But I did feel guilty for having thoughts that at least led in the same direction as the rumours, and I never did speak up when I overheard others talking, which is really just as bad as saying something, though it was because I was having doubts of my own. As much as I dislike Snape, the way Dumbledore said that he trusts every one of us, without exception...well, if he trusts Snape then I have to trust him as well, I suppose.
Oh, speaking of which, poor Sibyll! I mean, I may have my doubts about Divination, and she may seem a little airy-fairy at times, but really, two days of classes cancelled because of that kind of mess... ::shudder:: I'm fine with blood (though in those quantities, I'm not so sure), but ugh, just the sound of someone throwing up makes me start to gag, nevermind the sight and the smell. Ugh. Have to stop thinking of it before I get sick. It was rather a disgusting trick on the students' part. Besides, Muggle students do have to do dissections in science classes, involving a lot of poking around at various creatures' innards. And actually, at least these animals were fresh! I can still remember the smell of the formaldehyde, speaking of things which make me want to be sick. Though I could see why Miss Brown would be rather disturbed.
I really do feel sorry for Sibyll. She puts up with so much teasing, from her peers as well as the students (something of which I'm by no means innocent), and while some of it may be good-natured, I know that sometimes even good-natured teasing can become tiresome, or hurt.
Now that I think of it, some of the students probably see Muggle Studies as just as much twaddle as Divination. I really must invite her to tea some time--we loonies have to stick together. :-)
Other than that, things progress much the same as ever. Went to see Poppy about my hand and she gave me some kind of salve to rub on it. Smells awful, but between that and the tensor bandage she wrapped my hand in, the swelling's gone down quite a bit. Should be healed by tomorrow, thank goodness.