(no subject)

Mar 24, 2005 21:49

Trading Cards
Free Account Edition


User Number: 1134545

Date Created:2003-06-22

Number of Posts: 131

Denise is a Livejournal Nobody, which is, of course, the best kind of nobody to know. Rarely insightful, and only occasionally worth the bother of clicking to read. She likes to pretend that she writes vast, witty posts and then sets them on the "Private Setting," just to be difficult, but we all know that's a load of tosh now, don't we.

Strengths: not having lice, extensive cosmetics knowledge, telling 'your mom' jokes at inappropriate times

Weaknesses: no cans of whupass to open, no one can smell what she's cooking, bit of a pussy, tends to get giggly at funerals when she doesn't know the person

Special Skills: covering zits, making fat puffy eyes look normal, knowing more about Harry Potter than J. K. Rowling, spelling

Weapons: nails of prodigious length, rapier wit

(Most Likely)Famous Last Words: "Don't worry, I'll probably be back anyway."

Make your own LiveJournal Trading Card!

Brought to you by Crossfire_

Went shopping today! Gleefully rolled in the consumerism. I now have a new purse, and we are sitting together and Bonding. I'm thinking about getting a new wallet too, but you can't rush these things.
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