Hello bright lights

Feb 04, 2008 18:09

I felt something had been lacking in my holiday so far and I only realised what it was when I stepped into HMV this morning. Oh, the range!! Rows upon rows of DVDs and deluxe edition CDs I can never find in Australia. They were selling Sense and Sensibility 2008 on DVD and I don't even think it's screened on Hong Kong TV yet. I stood, mouth agape, in front of the DVD box sets for about 45 minutes. It got to the point where I didn't buy anything, because I wanted to buy everything, and, well, that wouldn't do. Heaven on Earth for geeks.

As if I didn't already have enough reasons to stop me from going back to Sydney, I then visited H&M. Glorious clothing for reasonable prices. Again I didn't buy anything because I was sure I'd end up buying an ill-fitting tank top and tartan miniskirt in my overwhelmed state.

DVDs and hotpants. Sweeet.

hong kong

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