I know I've been complaining the last 2 entries but I'm going to carry on. I'm sick to the back teeth of our landlady ringing me all the time to complain about us! 8:30 on Sunday morning, I was fast asleep and my phone rang.
Hello it's the landlady. Do you use the shed?
Yes, we keep our bikes in there.
Well we had someone look at the fence yesterday (it blew down a few weeks ago) and he told me that there's a lawnmower in the alley way next to the house. You can't just take my lawnmower out of the shed and put it in the alley way!
That's not your lawnmower...it belongs to someone else and it's broken.
Yours is still in the shed where it's always been, the one in the alleyway belongs to the neighbours.
Oh ok that's fine then.
I know it's bloody fine! Get your facts straight before accusing me of things next time!Just now I've had a call.
We were there looking at the fence today and I couldn't help noticing that you've got your bird cage on my son's high chair stand. Would you kindly remove them and put them on something else.
Oh is that what that is? I thought it was just a table.
No, it's for a baby! Can you put it back in the shed where it was?
Well, it was just in the living room when we moved in, I didn't know it was for a baby.
Well it is, it's part of a table and chair set.
OK, so you don't want it back then? You're not using it? (That's me saying "Why the hell is it in our house if you don't want us to use it?)
Not at the moment, no, but I might decide to have another baby one day.
Right, so putting it in the shed is nice and clean is it? Also, how the hell can we ram it in there when all your other shit is clogging up the shed? There's no room! We could take the lawnmower out and put it in the alleyway perhaps...
THEN she goes on.
Also, there's all that rubbish.
What rubbish?
Down the side of the shed, bags of refuse.
You mean the recycling?
Yes, does that get collected?
Yes, the council come once a fortnight and collect it.
Oh...ok then, well as long it gets collected.
WTF?! Of course it bloody gets collected! What about the THREE bins that are in our garden that belong to you, when do they get collected? What's the big deal with us having our recycling next to the shed, where are we supposed to keep it? GAH! It feels less like we're living in our own house and more like she's our Mum and we're living with her! I hope she's not going to make a habit of it, I can't believe how picky she is!
While I'm complaining, I think I'll carry on. Woman at work. I hate it when my boss goes on holiday because Woman decides that she's my boss even though she's my equal and I think she just likes trying to get me into trouble. Yesterday:
Her: Did you speak to so-and-so last week about some parking signs?
Me: Yes, I passed it onto someone, hang on, let me think who it was I spoke to about it...*thinks*
Her: *dialling a number on her phone* Hello? Yes, we have no idea who you spoke to about it, we have absolutely no record of it in here whatsoever, can you tell me again what it was, start at the beginning?
HOLD ON A SECOND! Didn't I just say that I was dealing with it last week?! I try to attract her attention.
So I say: I've just remembered, it was Trina, I'll give her a call....she says she's going to go and have a look this week...IT WAS TRINA! She's got it all in hand! *dances in front of her but she's oblivious, telling this man how feckless I am.
Now she's got a stooge to join in.
D: Did you say that Shellie and Janet were supposed to print the job cards last thing at night?
T: Yes just before they go home.
D: Oh, well they didn't.
Right...and the point of you telling her was what exactly? Yes ok I admit, we forgot to print the job cards, but it's no big deal, the guys come in first thing in the morning to collect them, we can print them in the morning and if there's anything urgent, we can ring them up to tell them about it! We made a mistake, there's no need to go causing trouble. Stooge is supposed to be on the front desk answering the phone when it rings, except she only answers the phone when she feels like it. Sometimes it's ringing and she's just sitting there, staring at her computer or something so I pick it up, even though I'm usually in the middle of something complicated. So, you're front desk when it feels like it, and the rest of the time we're supposed to be psychic and know when you've decided that you're going to ignore the phone? When you're sorting the post, you don't have to answer the phone, but when I'm sorting the post I do have to answer the phone, how does that work then?
URGH people are pissing me off! I'm glad one of the things on my '101 things in 1001 days' list is "get a new job"!
3.5 more weeks until I get a week off and can go to Cumbria, I really can't wait, I need to get away from everyone!
I had a driving lesson today and I drove really badly :o( It was ok for about half an hour, but then it all started to go horribly wrong and I kept making mistakes. I'd be great if I was the only car on the road, but when there are other cars around, that's when I panic and make mistakes. I really need to sort that out before my test...
Anyway, I've got fish pie and pole dancing to look forward to tonight. Not at the same time, though.
Oooh, guess who just laid her first egg! No not me, my zebra finch Sylvia! I've had her for about 3 or 4 months now and she's been giving Christian lots of piggy backs *ahem* but this is the first egg she's laid! I don't think they know what to do with it, though, the egg is in the nest and they're sitting outside the nest sleeping on a twig, lol, I'll just leave them to it.
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