Jan 21, 2012 21:29
Ahem. So, I did promise to catch up on Big Damn Holiday entries, but instead I got home and instantly got horribly, horribly sick, and spent a week being miserable and bewailing my fate and tearfully declaring that my whole life was a mess and I needed to change EVERYTHING. It didn't help that I came home to find my mattress had sunk in the middle so I couldn't sleep comfortably (it probably had before I left but I didn't notice, my back always being sore), and my computer is hardly working - I really hate it when all the expensive things break at once. So I spent a week being horribly ill and sitting in my hot house in the dark with the curtains closed to try and keep the heat out, thinking that even if I did open the curtains it would just be to look at the carpark, and in Denmark there was a view of FORESTS. And DEER. (well, once.) So, yes, was rather unhappy.
...I am mostly recovered from my illness now, though, and so everything doesn't look quite so bleak, you will be happy to know. :) Am still not so happy with my house though, or rather it's tendancy to act like an oven on even a mildly warm day, due to it having no insulation whatsover - so now trying to decide whether I should move, or convince the landlord to install an air conditioner, possibly paying for it, or some of it, myself. (I have a portable air conditioner, but it's noisy and annoying and takes up a lot of space. And is inefffecient.) I hate how uncertain rental accomadation is - what if I do that and then they put the rent up and I have to move anyway? But my place is really cheap for where it is so...not sure what to do about that.
And have called the mattress people and complained, and it's within warranty so I think the bed can be fixed, and am getting sibling related computer help once there is time, so hopefully I won't need to buy a new computer either. And was well enough to both go to work this week and do a little bit of sewing at home, so I feel like I am getting it back together and things aren't so bad. :)
So, more fun entries soon! :D