Quiz Thingie

Nov 29, 2005 16:44

Im filling out the random quiz thingie that brenden had on his livejournal cause i was really bored LOLZ YAY

Time started: 4:45 pm
Full Name: Elizabeth Jamila Wright Garfield Schoffler
Single or Taken: single
Sex: female
Birthday: 01/07/90
Siblings: 2, sister Kara, half-brother Sean

Eye color: really really really dark brown
Shoe size: 7 1/2
Height: 5'somthing lolz i realy don't know
Innie or Outie: innie
What are you wearing right now:my sisters shirt that says take a hike and my favoritest pair of jeans n froggy socks YAY
where do u live: Falls Church

Righty or lefty: rightikins
Can you make a dollar in change right now: yeah lolz i have a whole jar full of lose change
Who are your closest friends?: hmm well the friends i've know for the longest time are Stephanie,Abagail,Priya,Meg,Morgan,and Emily
Do you have a BF or GF?: no
Best place to go for a date: er.. somewhere lolz likeeeee un resturante
Favorite place to shop: urban outfitters or delias
Favorite kind of pants: jeans
Color: lime green
Number(s): 7

boys name: Brian
Girls Name: Caesy which could count as a guys name too but i like it better as a girls name
Animal: Kitty Kat YAY

Drink: orange juice
Sport(s): Tennis and Archery
Fast-Food Place: Burger King
Month: January
Movie: Aladdin
Finger: pinky
Breakfast: Pancakes and oatmeal and ornage juice and lots of lots of maple suryup and powerdered sugar lolz

Favorite cartoon character: do my charactesr count O.o
Have you ever
Given anyone a bath: nopeses
Bungee jumped: never to scary
Made yourself throw-up: no thats just poopy
Gone skinny dipping: nopes

Eaten a dog: no why would i wanna do that
Put your tongue on a frozen pole: no
Loved someone so much it made you cry?: yeah once
Broken a bone: nope luckily lolz
Played truth or dare: of course
Been in a physical fight: no
Been in a police car: no
Been on a plane: yupz
Come close to dying: no
been in a sauna: yupz
been in a hot tub: yupz
swam in the ocean: yupz
Fallen asleep in school: actally no i almost did once though during history with mr.yates lolz
Ran away?: yeah i ran away from home fer like an hour once
Broken someone's heart: I hope not
Cried when someone died: yupz
Cried in school: yupz when one of my bestest friends moved
Fell off your chair: yeah lolz
Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call?: no i hate phones
Saved AIM conversations: nopezez
Saved e-mails: nopezez
Fallen for one of your best friends?: yupz
Used someone: kinda .. like just becoming freinds with someone so i could get to know one of thier friends but yeah that was in like in elementary school lolz
Been cheated on?: eh no
What is...
Your good luck charm: my teddy bear
Best song you ever heard: hmm tough choice er i really can't decide lolz
Stupidest thing you have ever done: err i have to say eating grass lolz
your room is like: lime green with lots of my art on the walls and the kewlioliest stuffed animals ever lolz
Last thing you said: i don't know....
What is beside you: my PC
What kind of shampoo do you use?: Frizz Ease shampoo and conditioner and herbal esseces shampoo lolz
Best thing(s) that has happened to you this year?: being freinds with new peoples and having my room painted green lolz
Worst thing(s) that has happened to you this year: Uhhh Romantic Complications
have i had..
Chicken pox: yupz
Sore Throat: yupz
Stitches: nopezez
Broken nose: nopezez

Believe in love at first sight: not really
What schools have you gone to: Shrevewood Elementary,Kilmer Middle,and Marshall High
If you were stuck on an island, what people would you want with you: all my friends,my cat even though shes technically not a human so bleh,Iguana lolz,and my sister
Who was the last person that called you: my half brother
Who was the last person you slow danced with: Sir Radford the Third LOLz
What/who makes you laugh the most?: everything makes me laugh pretty much lolz see i just laughed
What makes you smile?: life and my cat
Who is the last person
You Kissed? my sisters fish stuffed animal cause its just so cute lolz
You yelled at: My mom
Who broke your heart: 2 people but im not going to tell you lolz
Who told you they loved you: My parents relatives etc
Is your loudest friend? Abagail lolz
Do you/Are You
Do you like filling these out: yes cause im bored
Do you wear contacts or glases: nopzez
Do you like yourself: uhh somthings i do somethings i don't but mostly yeah
Do you get along with your family: my dad and sister yes my mom not so much
Stolen anything: yes lolz pokemon stickers and an evve pokemon card from this kid in our neighborhood
Obsessive: when i was little yes
Compulsive?: nopez
Anorexic? no
Suicidal? never
Final questions
How many people are you sending this to: no one lolz
What are you listening to right now?: The radio
What did you do today: went to school ..yay..
Hated someone in your family: well hated it a strong word more like extremely disliked at times
What car do you wish to have: Mini Cooper
Where do you want to get married: On beach or in pretty garden kinda place
if you could change anything about yourself, what would it be? my pickiness about food
Good driver: er i dou know yet
Good Singer: kinda i think lolz
Have a lava lamp: yeah its the kewlioliest
How many remote controls are in your house: 2 cause we lost one
What do you dream about?: the sims 2 lolz i think i play it too much
Last time you showered: yesterday at like 3 er so
Last time you took a bath: wheni was little baths are yuckyyy
The last movie you saw at the theatres: The Corpse Bride
milk, dark, or white chocolate: milk and white choclate
Root beer or Dr.Pepper: er neither
Mud or Jell-O: neither BLEH
Vanilla or chocolate: vanilla
Skiing or snowboarding: Snowboarding cause i tried sking and its poopy
fall or winter: fall
Silver or Gold: silver
Diamond or pearl: pearl
Sunset or Sunrise: sunset its prettier then sunrise
Sprite or 7up: sprite
Orange juice or apple juice: orange juice
Cats or dogs: kitty kats
Coffee or tea: neither blech
Phone or in person: in person
Are you Oldest, middle, youngest or only child: depends on if you count my half brother so i guess im the middle child but im the oldest kid in the house so i feel like the oldest child
Indoor or outdoor: indoors
End Time: 5:16 pm
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