YO im Irwin

Oct 25, 2005 20:10

O.o...............No Comment lolz
-Anywayz i haven't updated in forever soooooooooooooooooo lets get up to date on the lastest juicy gossip lolz

-Bethany totally groped amandas boob so we have started the Shun-Bethany Club YAY cause thats just uncalled for. If she liked boobs so much she should play with her own lolz la la la anywayz

-ehhh not to much gossip lolz

Anywayzzzzzzz tommarrows farmer day how exciting im going to wear BOOTS WOOT,and then *sigh* the homecoming dance the first dance of the year yeah i have a date this year its ..............................................................................................................................A MUFFIN WITH A BOW TIE!!!!! seriously im going to bring a muffin well maybe without the bowtie but i will bring a muffin or if i can't find a muffin a cookie. I also have the halloween parade tommarow BLEH watch me hit a little kid in the head with my rifle.*sigh* today was a pretty good schol day especially in the morning before school started like when the bus arrives and yer hangin out in front of the auditorium all i can say is *cough* Iguana *cough* an if you don't know what that means then your not supposed to SO THERE. Amandakins randomly called me on my cell phone and we talked for and hour and 19 minutes about homeowrk and stuff lolz twas fun. Tommarows Chem BLEH must finish lab book O.o Anywayz this entry is pretty long isn't it well its going to be longer MUAHAh

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find a question you feel is really important,
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