Who wouldn't want to find an email like this in their inbox on a Monday morning?
Find all dirty glasses and cups (lots in your office) and bring them to kitchen to wash
Finish washing up (its an epic job, so can have two entries on the list)
Put away dry washing up Put away another load of dry washing up
Clean draining board and sink
Put out veg boxes did this one before I went to work this morning
Bring in and put away new veg box
Make tea
Sort and put on another load of washing
Put this load of washing out to dry.
Put away dry washing (I have managed to move it all to the washing basket in our bedroom)
Fold clothes at sides of bed (this will probably generate another load of washing...) and sort out book mountain on bedside table
Empty bins upstairs
Take glasses downstairs to wash up
Sweep up all the dusty bits and leaves from garden and throw them away.
Sweep all the sawdust encrusted cobwebs down from garden walls
Water garden (depends if it rains)
Sort out all the papers on floor
Unpack from camp, put away all extra camping stuff that made it into the living room
Wash up all the dirty pots (this one is free if you complete the Kitchen list.)
Sort out boxes once and for all!
Make commissioned owl pendant
Package and post owl pendant
Photo things for thriftstoreuk
Upload photos for TSUK
Make a post on TSUK
Type up performance management
Mark Yr 12 tests
Living room
Throw away all rubbish in living room
Put everything in living room away in proper place (DVD's wine glasses etc)
Vacuum living room