Jul 16, 2006 15:23
Heya guys and gals,
Well I really don’t know who reads this journal but meh. I write to well just write. Anywho, just wanted to give a shout out to one of my main gal’s back in Tempe, AZ. You know who you are. She is having a bit of a difficult time. Sorry hon I am not there, but I will be back and we will hit the town. :p Hopefully she will read this.
Anyway, this was to be a LiveJournal update that was supposed to be on 7-12-2006, but I got lazy, lol:
Well today my new San Diego friends, Rob, J.B. and myself are taking on a quest to the north part of California towards San Francisco. They planed on going up to visit some friends and chill with them for a few weeks. Currently it is hour 5 in the car ride up state and I am writing this in MS-Word, because we have another 3-4 hours to go. Well lets see, hmm I am just going to write a better intro then the last few entries.
About me:
I am Justin Lembach, there for I am. I am from Milwaukee, Wisconsin, I have one sister, and I oldest of the family at age 20. I currently attend University of Advancing Technology, in Phoenix, Arizona. Where I am trying to be a Network Admin, or a Programmer, I haven’t decided yet. I am supposed to be a junior, but well I made a few too many bad decisions for the past year, and I am leaning from my mistakes. I consider this last year a “pseudo” break. :p As stated in pervious article, I am in San Diego. I had to get away from a ton of crap at my apartment, with my car unable to be fixed and pass emissions, to just still in the “pseudo” break period. I am planning to end the break this coming semester in September.
Yeah, oh well it happens. So this is what happened so far:
We are in Sonoma, CA where Jim long-time friend Deb lives as well a few others friends of his. Deb has got to be the best person on the face of the earth. She is so friendly and always happy. Deb and I talked about the 70’s and how life was during the psychedelic years. She was telling me about how she attended the Pink Floyd: Dark Side of the Moon concert and she was on acid and shit, how it was one hell of an experience. I mean I finished my drug days, and only smoke, but god damn she been though hell of a lot. She is such a good person that’s always fun to be around, hell you guys should see here take a nice rip. I really wish to be someone like that, someone that’s always fun to be around, instead of the geek annoying guy I am. :p Meh, no emo moments lol.
Oh we went over to San Francisco and met a very cool and interesting guy there, Kevin, another J.B.’s old friends. He is a huge gadget freak that I am, so we got to talk technical and such which only confused Rob and J.B. He was even telling me about how he used to be in porn and all about the industry. Kind of sounded exciting to tell the truth, besides could use the money…hmmm LOL yeah, like anyone would want to see me in porn. :p we toured a bit of San Francisco, I been there once for a gaming conference about a year ago, so it was nice to fall in love with the city all over again. Yeah its cliché for a gay guy to live in San Francisco, but I don’t care. It’s such a beautiful city, with always a lot to do. Out of everywhere I been in my life, I would love to live in San Francisco or even San Diego. Both are just nice climates and fun to be in. I don’t know, I don know that I am looking to move away from Phx in a year or so. So give me your guy’s thoughts about both cities, and maybe other places that sound cool.
Oh boy, did not expect to have write so much, well if ya read this much, you get a cookie hehe.
Just real quick, we plan on hitting San Francisco again sometime next week, and if ya in the area, I could get away from rob and j.b. a bit. Yeah I could use a break from them lol naa they been great to give me a place to sleep and some food. :p
Anyway, this is it for today’s report I will try to update sometime this week, maybe wed or so.
See ya,