So, yesterday I learned two bits of news about two of my all-time favorite movie franchises. The news was not all that good. So, I thought, rather than express my own feelings about this news, I'd let the main characters of each franchise tell us how they feel about the news.
First up, let's start Ash from The Evil Dead trilogy. Say, Ash, have you heard that there's a new Evil Dead movie in the works?
It's not a sequel, though. It's a remake.
But wait, it's apparently being given to
Federico Alvarez, an up-and-coming director from Uruguay whose short film about giant robots, Panic Attack, made quite a splash online. He just might be able to understand the appeal of the franchise and know how to stick to its gritty, low-budget roots.
Oh, wait, it's being
scripted by Diablo Cody. Well, uh...okay then. Moving on.
Godzilla, I assume you were already aware that there's a new American Godzilla movie in the works, but this time it's being supervised by people who actually love the franchise. Including Gareth Edwards on directing duties--his film Monsters may have been a mediocre slog, but the effects sequences certainly showed great promise. How do you feel about that so far?
Oh, but they hired the guy who wrote the Doom movie to script it.
But when Gareth Edwards came on board, he apparently decided to toss that screenplay out.
So they replaced him with
David Goyer. I don't think he's taking the news well.