This is probably old news to most people, but most of you recall my rant about
Constance McMillen, the big scary lesbian who politely asked to be able wear a tux and take her girlfriend to prom. Whereupon the school canceled the prom. Because lesbians are terrifying monsters who seek to destroy heterosexual institutions asking to join in.
Stare into the face of lesbian horror! Feel the chill as she slow dances with her girlfriend in the corner of the dance floor!
Well, about two weeks ago Constance McMillen actually got to go to her prom. No, really, there were school officials serving as chaperons and everything. Isn't that aweso--
Oh, wait, no, it wasn't awesome. Because it was a
fake prom and there were only five other students there. Two of those students were special needs kids. Everybody else was at another prom in a secret location. A location that was not shared with the dykes and the retards, naturally.
Now, I'm a pretty easy-going guy, normally.
See? Easy like Sunday morning.
But this shit, oh this fucking shit makes me so angry. So angry I want to commit violence. So angry that I want to Hulk out and smash in some homophobic faces.
Puny homophobes! Mud Puppy SMASH!!!
Remember when I said that canceling the prom was childish? Well, this is even worse. This is just fucking inhuman. If this were a movie, it would be the set-up for a slasher-style revenge plot. And quite frankly, I want to see that movie.
Just imagine: Gay teen is sent to a fake prom by her scheming classmates and two-faced school officials, someone starts killing them all off, and at the end it's revealed that the teen's father was the killer all along and it ends with him happily watching his daughter make the best of her prom with her non-asshole classmates. He's the hero of the piece, you see.
"Dad, where have you been?"
"Sorry, baby, I had some loose ends to string up."
"Don't you mean 'tie up'?"
"That, too.".
It'd certainly be cathartic.
Though, man, if my anger at Constance's school and peers was that bad before, it only got worse when I heard about them trying to defend their actions.
There's actually a Facebook page called "Constance Quit Yer Cryn'", but I'm not gonna address that since it was quickly overrun by supporters of Constance. No, I'm going on a more individual basis.
One of Constance's classmates, whose full name is given in the article but I'm just gonna call her Lindsey,
tried to put her side of the story up on her Facebook page. As you can imagine, she did herself no favors.
**Open Minded Readers Only**
Because, of course, you need to be open-minded to understand why it was totally okay to fuck over your classmate because she just wanted to be able to bring her girlfriend to prom.
The party we had in Evergreen (the county neighborhood I live in) is 30 mins away from the school. we rented out the community center, hired vendors, decorated, and our parents ran the security/chaperone staff- but it wasn’t prom. Prom was at the country club where constance and 7 other students were. The reason the senior class boycotted the actual prom was not because we hate gays. We wanted a drama-free gathering to celebrate 3 great years and 1 lousy one together, and we wanted to lay low. We also wanted to do it without the main cause of the lousy.
That's right. She just used "lousy" as a noun.
"AAAUGH! The lousy has found us!"
Also remember her insistence that this bullshit stunt was "not because we hate gays" for later.
What people are failing to realize is that much of the fault of this whole stink lies with Constance, not her mistreatment by the school district, but her crazy-reckless need for attention. It sounds mean and horrible and like we planned it all specifically to embarrass Constance, but we didn’t. We let her have her prom with her girlfriend and her tuxedo and we went to party it up in the “boondocks” not because we wanted her rights violated, but so we could salvage what has turned into a total fiasco. As a whole we didn’t support her decision to throw the district under the bus, or her insinuations that we’re all just a bunch ‘a hicks driving around in beater pick up trucks spitting tobacco and burning crosses. IAHS is one of the top schools in the state and I’m proud of that, and I’m proud that we took a stand and just said you know what? forget it, we have just as much right as you do to have a party for ourselves. So we did, and now we’re getting flack because poor Connie’s ego got a bit of bruising. She’s playing the lesbian card to prove she ALWAYS gets what she wants. This time, we didn’t just let her.
You know, it's kind of hard to object that it was unfair of Constance to insinuate that you're a cross-burning, tobacco-spitting hick and then turn right around and accuse her of "playing the lesbian card". You're sort of proving her point for her.
Unless you mean this lesbian card.
Also, you might've noticed that at no point does she address why the two special needs students weren't invited to the "private party that wasn't really prom". What, it was okay for Constance to "ruin" their precious high school memories?
Take it as you will, because I’m sure it sounds like we faked her out, but understand this- the decision NOT to attend prom had nothing to do with the school or with Constance’s sexual preferences; it had everything to do with proving we weren’t going to let her and the ACLU steamroll us into doing what Constance wanted. We flexed the muscle of the majority and we’ll suffer the consequences.
Translation: "We're a bunch of bullies who didn't like that some uppity dyke repeatedly and politely asked to be able to bring her girlfriend to prom, and then when the school up and canceled prom to prevent it she was forced to bring in the ACLU. So we we tricked her into going to a fake prom and now we're all offended because people keep giving us shit over being backwards fucksticks. Seriously, cut it out, you're hurting our feelings! WAAAHHHH!"
"Why can't you people just let us pick on the gay kids in peace? You're so mean!"
Hell, she later posted another statement once again whining about how unfair she and her peers are being treated by everybody. I'm sorry, Lindsey, does it hurt your feelings that some people didn't like how your school and your classmates went out of your way to fuck over Constance just because she was gay and wanted to go to prom like the rest of you?
Good. Now you have a microscopic idea of how Constance felt throughout this whole ordeal. How about you quit yer cryin'?