Once Again, People Are Morons

Apr 16, 2010 11:44

So, the other day I saw a news item on Yahoo that claimed that Stephenie Meyer's Twilight series was drawing complaints from parents. Immediately, I thought it had to be because parents were concerned that maybe sending the message that it's totally okay for a young girl to let a boy she likes completely rule their lives, to the point that if he ever leaves she should repeatedly attempt suicide just to hear his voice one more time.

Remember ladies, if you want to show a guy how much he hurt you by up and leaving, drowning yourself is totally the best option.

Or maybe it was because of the message that it's better to die and become an undead abomination than to outgrow your teen years. Or maybe the "Oh my God, what the flying fuck" levels of horror that is the birth of Renesmee. Or, y'know, the whole fact that her werewolves are pedophiles and we're clearly supposed to be okay with that.

Seriously, Stephenie, I really can't thank you enough for turning my favorite monsters into fucking child molestors.

No, as it turns out none of those were the actual reasons that the Twilight series found its way onto a list of "challenged" books. No, it was on the list for a much goofier reason, which flat out amazed me. I'll just let the article about the list on The Hater do the talking:

5. Twilight (series) by Stephenie Meyer
Reasons: Sexually Explicit, Religious Viewpoint, Unsuited to Age Group

Yes, they really do mean that Twilight. One of the most naked abstinence allegories written in at least the past decade. The romantic leads don't even have sex until the fourth book, when they're already married, and the sex isn't even described in any detail whatsoever, beyond the obvious implication that it happened.

And "concerned parents" object to it because it is "Sexually Explicit".

Look, the reasons behind the objections to most of the books on that list are pretty fucking stupid, I'll grant you. Notice how often "Homosexuality" pops up, because God forbid kids learn about THE GAYS, and I honestly have no idea what "Religious Viewpoint" even means. But either the parents absolutely missed the point or they didn't read the books. Now the latter is pretty usual and is most likely the case (note that other books on this list have "Violence" among the objections, yet Twilight does not despite being far more violent than sexually explicit), but even so I'm puzzled by how anybody could get the impression that Twilight is sexually explicit.

But, of course, the answer is simple. People are morons.

you suck at life, twilight, stephenie meyer, liberal propaganda

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