Feb 22, 2007 23:18
february is fading fast, but not quite fast enough for me. soon march will do just that - march right in and right out through. then april's showers eventually lead to may's flowers that herald the coming of the summer season.
this summer will be another of my annual CupCake Bashes that everyone looks forward to - probably only 'cos we are the only ones with access to a pool (my in-laws). during the summer, i have fridays off from work. i typically spend it at my parents' house doing laundry and just chilling w/ my mom. she's off on those days, so we get to have some quality time together. mostly, she runs around after ricky, her "four-legged grandson." i think it's adorable.
summer then paves the way towards another momentous occasion, my berfday. this year i turn thirty-one. i remember when i was in grammar school that there used to be this show called Thirty Something. i never watched it. it was a drama. and as far as i was concerned, it was about a bunch of boring old people.
and now, i am about to join that illustrious crowd of "thirty something" old people. and i am living the life of drama that was on that show. i find that amusing.