Get Over It

Oct 03, 2007 22:47

Title: What happened?
Fandom: NEWS, KAT-TUN, Jrs
Pairings: RyoDa, PiDa, etc
Genre: Angsty? Don't really know since nothing really happened yet. `=]
Rating: PG-13 ish? May progress as chapters build. Depending on my mood, ne? `=O
Dedication: akasora requested a PiDa. I only believe in the power of RyoDa. `=] Oh! And therese_chan won the game last time! So she gets this chappie! `=D I hope you like it... actually... I hope you still are reading this. LOL. Sorry for the long period of time! T.T
Summary: This is the part where Ryo and Yamapi confront each other...
Warnings: Um... Backstabbing... I guess... and... oh... not beta'd... `T.T
Author Notes/Disclaimer: I love Johnny-san... really I do... LOL. I wish I owned everything that is in his company. Yo, Gah. `x] Please to comments and such. I live on them. Haha. No, but seriously, I would love some constructive criticism. I know my writing needs improvement and I would appreciate it if my readers would tell me honestly how they feel in tones that aren't full of attitude. Mmmkay? `=] On another note... I like it most when I have more than one person beta'ing my fics. It irks me when only one person reads them over and over again. LoL. I feel like we would eventually get too used to each other. So I was wondering if there is anyone else who would like to beta for me? Much appreciated. LoL. And if you want to know how many people have beta'd for me already... I would say... around... 5 or so. `=] Well... so far anyway. And yes, I do change my styles of writing... depending on the suggestions of my beta. Anyway... thanks if you read this. `xD

Chappa 1
Chappa 2
Chappa 3
Chappa 4

Part 5

“They broke up a long time ago. Get over it,” Yamashita Tomohisa just had to scowl. Ueda should have known by now that Ryo was a loyal person. He would never cheat or do anything dastardly to anyone that he cared for. Just look at his friendship with Uchi Hiroki!

All Tatsuya could do was nod. He hadn’t really thought about Ryo and Shige being together for a long time. Whenever he would watch NEWS performances or even what the boys would go on television for some random interview, Ueda would always pay close attention to Ryo and Shige. After all, Ueda was the reason why the two broke up in the first place.


“You deserved it,” Yamapi konned. He had just smacked Ueda up side the head. “It wasn’t your fault baaaaaka. Kon.”

Ueda blinked. “Can you read thoughts!?” `O.O

The NEWS leader laughed. “No. Ryo used to talk about it to me when Shige and him were still together. Boss-chan likes you. Loves you. Broke up with Shige because there was more to it than just sexual attraction. Besides, even when we were chibi, Ryo-chan only had eyes for you. Sooooo get over it.”

Tatsuya scowled. Again, this perfect stranger was talking to him like they were close friends. “What is your deal, Yamapi!?”

Pi grinned like mad. “You called me Yamapi.”

Ueda gaped. That’s all the other heard!? “Yeah, well… it’s longer than your real name.”

Pi smirked as he continued to drive. He glanced over to where Ryo and Shige were standing and gasped.

Ueda turned in time to see Shige jumping up and hugging Ryo tightly. He gulped, “Yamapi. Get out of the car.”



Yamapi stopped the car and got out because Ueda’s tone didn’t leave room for much option. Ueda did the same, but he went around the car and got into the front seat.

Yamapi, Ryo, and Shige all stared as Ueda drove away.

* * *

“What the fuck just happened?” hissed the shortest in a heavy Kansai accent.

“Well, it looks like your boyfriend just drove away in Pi’s car,” replied the one who denies his Kansai roots.

“Un,” the NEWS leader agreed.

“I could see that!” growled Ryo in exasperation. “Pi, what happened?!”

“I… I’m not sure. We just looked over and you were laughing with Shige.”

Ryo and Shige blanched. “WHUT!?”

Yamapi laughed. “It seems as though your princess gets really jealous, Ryo-chan.”

Shige squawked in indignation. “Jealous? Of me?”

“Who else?” Yamapi waggled his eyebrows in response.

“Don’t tease him, Pi. Besides, Tatsuya knows better,” Ryo replied calmly.

“Apparently, not, because he just drove off with my car.”

Shige looked thoughtful for a moment. “Maybe I should go talk to Ueda-kun, Ryo…”

“There’s nothing to talk about,” Ryo scowled.

“Don’t worry, Shige. Ryo just doesn’t want you to be upset. And… he also gets horribly jealous when anyone gets near his Tatsuya. I bet you were squirming in your bed last night, because I was with him, huh, Ryo-chan?” Yamapi tilted his head in an attempt to look cute and Akira-like.

Ryo shook his head almost violently. “I couldn’t even think of that. I… trust you, Pi.”

Yamapi laughed inwardly. Well, that’s almost relieving to hear.

Pi nearly gagged when repeating the thought to himself. What was wrong with him lately?

Shige didn’t know what was going on. For some reason, he had a sinking gut feeling during the whole conversation. Is someone going to get suspended again!?

Ryo cleared his throat. “Well, we might as well go to practice now.”

“Ne, What about Ueda-kun?” Shige said with a hitch in his tone.

“He’s a big boy. Yamapi’s the only one who should be worried, since the Princess can’t drive.”

Yamapi started. “WHUT?!”

* * *

The three boys walked slowly to the practice room, a heavy thoughtful tension in the air. Ryo was too busy thinking about his princess to notice when Yamapi stiffened as a certain KAT-TUN member walked out of the bathroom.

“Akanishi-kun!” Shige greeted. Ryo stopped dead in his tracks and glanced at Yamapi.

Yamashita Tomohisa didn’t even stop. He kept walking like Jin didn’t even exist.

Well, if Pi, can do it, then I’m just going to have to choose sides, huh? Ryo looked to his other friend and was shocked to see so much pain. He hadn’t seen Jin look that way, since the hiatus.

“Hey, Bakanishi. You need to pick up that fat chin of yours off the ground. The janitors have it bad enough as it is already when they have to clean up your saliva every time you drool when you see my sexy self.” Maybe he said this to reassure Jin, that they were still friends. Maybe he said this to reassure himself that they were still friends. Ryo stalked off after Yamapi. He couldn’t choose sides. At least, not yet. Especially when he didn’t know what happened.

Shige and Jin blinked at the sudden turn of events.

Shige prepared himself for Jin’s cry of protest, but he never got it.

Instead, there was laughter and tears.

* * *

After rehearsal, Ryo dragged Yamapi to a private dressing room.

“Pi, what’s going on? What’s happening to you? You won’t even look at Jin in the hallways!” Ryo hissed. “He’s our best friend! What happened, Pi?”

Yamapi sighed. “Nothing happened. What’s there to say? He and I broke up. That’s all. Who stays friends after breaking up?”

As Ryo was about to retort, Yamapi continued, “You and Shige don’t count because really, you two never had a relationship. You just screwed each other until there was nothing more to do. You two can’t even have a decent conversation. Besides, Jin chose Kame. Ryo. He chose Kame.”

Ryo was shocked to see tears forming in Yamapi’s eyes. “P… Pi…”

Yamapi laughed it off and said, “Don’t worry about me. You should be worried for Ueda-kun.”

Ryo blinked in shock. “Tatsuya?”

Yamapi steadily walked closer to Ryo, “I’m over Jin, Ryo. Really. Don’t worry about me. I’ve actually got my sites on a much prettier little boy.” He had Ryo backed up to a wall. Closer and closer he got as he brought his mouth to Ryo’s ear. “I’m kinda liking your princess, Ryo. How bout I just steal him from you?” Yamapi caressed Ryo’s side as he slowly pulled away. As he turned to leave, Ryo grabbed for his wrist and yanked hard so as to bang Yamapi to the wall that Ryo was just occupying.

Yamapi gasped in shock.

“Crazy people say ‘what’,” Ryo responded.

Yamapi’s face furrowed in confusion. He bent his head slightly so that he and Ryo were now eye to eye. “What?”

Ryo laughed and patted Yamapi on the head. “Good boy.”

He let go of Pi and stalked to the door. Just as he was about to leave, he stopped, turned, and said, “You’re crazy. You’ve just admitted it. You’ve gone bat shit over Jin and Kame. I understand that. In fact, I even sympathize. But the fact of the matter is, Jin told me that you were the one to break up with him. He said that it was his fault, but it was your decision. I have no idea what is going on, but dammit, Pi, don’t you damn dare bring Tatsuya into your little game. It’s not mine or his fault that you’re horribly messed up at the moment. Fix whatever it is between you and Jin and Kame. Tatsuya’s mine dammit. GET OVER IT.”

Yamapi laughed. I’m not the one horribly messed up Ryo. You are. Get over it.

OK... Ok. The ending game. `xD
Ummm... Who's this cutey?

Name him... and you can ask a fic from me... And I'll do my best to write it for you!
Just... give me a pairing... a setting... and a genre!
Please to no Ryo/Anyone in K8... or RyoChi... `T.T
Happy Birthday Princess! `8D

news, get over it, ryoda, pida, kat-tun

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