I've never made my own Christmas cookies before. My mom makes them every year, and to this day I'll help her decorate. We're suckers for tradition that way. However, I'd like to make my own this year to see how it goes. Like everything though, my strange sense of humor has perverted even this seemingly simple and innocent holiday task.
Why? Because I want to make
dickerdoodles. (Scroll down to the second post on the page to see what I mean.)
There's also the added bonus of the comments that would get made if I brought these suckers to a holiday party. Just to be safe, I'd probably have to make a couple 'traditional' batches of cookies, then whip these out when those were consumed and everyone had knocked back a few boozes.
EDIT:: Also, because its also fun and I'm too lazy to make another post, I give you "Prop 8: The Musical", starring a few of my favorite Hollywood personalities, including the always-awesome Neil Patrick Harris.
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Jack Black videos at Funny or Die