(no subject)

Nov 15, 2009 22:29

Meh, it is now the middle of the month and I am 10,000 words behind. I have no idea how I can catch up. RL work is interferring. I worked 6 days last week for a total of 52 hours.

I should have spent the day working on NaNo and I went shopping when I was done modding. Muse went off on a Remus/Tonks tangent the other night, and I couldn't stop her. She is now working on another Remus/Tonks one-shot because the one-shot she wrote the other night is down on the order list for Missing Moments In Time.

Honestly, I think she is upset because she wants the story to go one way, and I keep telling her it isn't about the Anasazi and Mayans. She just has a fascination with them now and won't write a single word of the story. I keep telling her I will let her write about them in the sequel, but does she listen? NO! I know I should just let her go, but then I will end up with half of my word count not being able to be used in this story when I rewrite it to try to sell it.

Maybe I should just ditch this story and start over. Or maybe I should just give up this year. The other night she gave me this wonderful first couple lines to a new story, but she won't tell me what it is about. Nothing other than it is going to be great. Easy for her to say. If she is that enthused about it, then why in the hell can't she give it to me to write?

I guess I am just tired. I am dreading work tomorrow because I have a feeling I will be spending most of my day on the phone instead of doing my job. I guess I will give up staring at my NaNo story and getting frustrated because I can't write a single word.

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