In the time of Chimpanzees, I was a Monkey!

Sep 07, 2004 21:27

Today has no relevance,

Kind of like this entry. Well, first of all, red ants hate me and I hate the bastards equally. After being trapped in my house for four days, they managed to create a haven in my shoes. So, I carried my shoes to the car as I usually do in the morning, and they bit me. Oh yeah, that’s right, I have become deathly allergic to them and my arm started to swell. Brilliant.

I get to Liset’s house. Her mom answers the door and Liset’s half asleep. I change shoes and watch her as she passes out on the chair with her discolored skin thing. She went to the doctor for it today but apparently he cancelled on her. Lucky son-of-a-bitch. I get on my reffy bus. It wasn’t so bad today. They realized that not everyday is a party on the banana boat.

I went to my make-believe photography class and did what I always do, which is absolutely nothing. I hate him and his lack of grammatical and teaching skills. So, off to Mr. Heilman’s class. He is not made to be an AP teacher. I mean, seriously. I know that he hates Sally and me as well. Sally and I wrote notes through class and mocked his silly giggle. He’s a nazi or at least he comes off that way sometimes. You can never win with this man and he swears that M.U.N is the only aspect of my life that really matters. I eat and breathe in all the different languages of the United Nations. Crazy Heilman, but he likes Bob Dylan, so he’s okay. Lunch, well, sucked. Sally, Ana and I were discussing how we hate a certain person. Math is well; it’s not even a real class. We did our quiz and well, did what I always do, which is speaking with Vin and Algenys about how we hate everyone and just don’t care about anything, really. We don’t really do work. But we definitely owe her our Thursday night; getting drunk with a 23-year old psycho who has an obsession with her birthday. Two words; coke head!

It poured right when the bell rang. I hate the weather lately; it just doesn’t coincide with my moods anymore. So I found Jan and we waited patiently for my grandpa because all of our friends are stingy with their vehicles and we didn’t even consider asking them for a ride. My driving test is the 17th. I need to pass this mother fucker. We laughed so hard and talked about random shit. I’m home now and feel like my life is meaningless. Kind of like this entry. Well, not meaningless but really boring at the moment. Yesterday was really, really fun. Steve has a fever but it was great spending time with Sicky. But as for every other day, well, suck it. I need a real weekend so, fuck off, Ivan. Pass the ganja…

Will make it stop raining,

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