Let the games begin

Mar 21, 2004 20:00

So, I’ve succumbed myself to the world of Live Journal…

Oh well, shit happens. I’m probably not going to update this much anyway. So yeah, what to say? I might as well write about the past few days. Thursday went to the fair with Liset, Jan, Ana and Moose. That was a waste of time, but I got some bad ass pictures at the BMX show and met up with a bunch of people, which I was expecting. Then, the oh so glorious night school madness came about. I saw Lucas on the way there and tried getting his number but traffic lights are like underpaid prostitutes; bitches. So, I took my mid-term and Irmy attempted to teach me to skate. We realized I was an acrobat at heart. I took Liset home and passed the fuck out. Beautiful.

Friday was fucking great, literally. I went on that field trip to the Wolfsonian Museum, then came back to school and about 7 girls including myself and Rofo explained what it was like to be a girl to Zach. He claimed nothing was worse than getting kicked in the balls and apologized continuously after his hour of torture. Went on my fucking ghetto-ass bus and sat with Martin and had our daily Heilman discussion on how he’s insane. Steve called and asked if I wanted to go over, and of course I did. We had a spectacular time and then I took the bus to Jan’s. I felt dirty on that bus. So then I got to her house, we ate some shit and I went home and had to decide who to live with if both my parent’s died. I picked my aunt. Kind of weird, but I just passed out after.

Saturday morning sucked. I drove to TY Park in Broward and it took forever to get there. I sat there and watched my mother socialize for 4 hours while I spoke to Jack for a good hour and a half on the phone. We left after all those miserable hours of torture. I got lost on the way home and ended up being the only white chick in a black neighborhood. Always fun. Finally got home, couldn’t go out with Jan and Lis so I went to Yuri’s with Kristine and got crunked! Yeah, I was drunk off my ass. There was this kid Ernie who seemed interesting and we did some interesting things. Chris, Erik, Kristine and Jessica are the best. They helped me around since I was dying. I need to chill with the liquor. After awhile it just tastes like water. Yeah, I had lots of fun, alcohol is my weapon of choice. I choose you, Pokemon. Sunday’s just suck when you have a hangover. Developed some pictures and made my shitty ass journal. And that, ladies and gentlemen, is what I call the end.

Shakes it like a Polaroid,

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