Chopsticks or Nun Chucks?

Dec 19, 2004 12:14



* Sally slept over the night before
* Did our hilarious power point
* Went to 7-11 for cheese danish and coffee
* Got a B on my Mexico test
* Got an A on my Power point
* Managed to still get a C because of Hitler I mean, Heilman
* Ate like a fat ass at lunch
* Killed at poker in 5th
* Chilled with Sally, Devo, Chris and well, Chris.
* Slept.


* Woke up at 7 for no apparent reason
* Got beat up by my brother.
* Drove around the whole world
* Shopped
* Shopped
* Showered at home
* Went to eat at Sushi Maki (veggie rolls and blazing loo-loos)
* Almost died of a headache
* Ate Tylenol like it was candy
* Watched Series of Unfortunate Events
* Felt so much better
* Took random pictures
* Made some hopeful college decisions
* Cracked up endlessly the whole night
* Slept with my kitty.

So now I’m here menstrual, achy and content. Go figure? So, I’m going to be extremely busy this week wrapping gifts, doing college essays, Pilates, working and of course having fun.I love Christmas time. I feel so pleasant and shit. Man, I love cursing. There’s no reason for me to keep doing this. Fin.

More human than human,

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