Jan 28, 2008 22:00
I would like my $10 back. When you first approached me and offered to tell my future for $20, I was amused. When you lowered the asking price to $10, I was intrigued. I had time to kill, I figured, and could use the entertainment. I was waiting for the boy who I was currently in the death-throes of dating to get off of work so we could catch a movie together before I drove him home. You stated you could tell my future. You told me that in the next 6 months, someone would come from my past and they would be my soulmate. You saw marriage, love and children. "Santa's coming!", you cackled. That was at the end of August. Well, fortune-hag, it's nearing the end of January. I've dated 2 guys since then, either which could have been my soul-mate, each in their own special way. Both of which dumped me with the "I'm a horrible person, and I don't want to hurt you" routine. That leaves one month for wonder-match to show up and woo me to the concept of settling down for the long haul. I sincerely doubt this will happen. I have cognitive dissonance, BIG TIME, and I'm not happy about it. And it's ALL your fault.
*Other news in Sharon's life*
She re-arranged her apartment's living room. It looks super nice!
She became addicted to Dead Like Me
She has black hair again *gasp!*
She ate too much pizza before being told over the phone "it doesn't feel right anymore", and is now nauseous. RAWK.