Who: Simon and Nia When: Today! During the Kissing Town event Where: the courtyard What: THIS TOWN IS NIA'S DREAM. Also Simon gets dragged around. And fluff. Lots of fluff. Rating: G
Who: Simon and Nia and anyone who wants to say hi! (OPEN) When: Nov. 9th, afternoon Where: EVERYWHERE What: Nia, Nia, Nia the explorer~! Rating: Totally fluff
Who: Risa, Riku, Conan, Nia, OPEN When: Pre-dated for May 1 Where: The Beach What: Time to party down and celebrate the twin's sweet sixteen and Conan's eighteenth birthday. Rating: Depends on who shows up
Who: Tsuzuki, Linali, Nia, Risa, Riku, ShikiOPEN What: Gardening (with a bit of punishment beforehand) Where: Open flower bed When: Er... current time ish? Rating: G or PG
Who: Risa, Nia, Kaito, Orlando, (Later, probably) Gray, OPEN (Sorry if I left out anyone) What: Tour then beach trip When: Soon after the newcomers arrive Where: Around campus. Starts outside girls' dorms. Rating: PG - PG 13