[Multi-Fandom] Team Albany short-fic (Varied)

May 29, 2014 02:34

Author's Note: Set in the Team Albany RP-'verse. Inspired by the numerous short fics which pashchan has been posting on Tumblr. Varied pairings, varied characters, varied ratings: read at your own risk.

Needful Thing

Only the strange, heavy-set man who appeared suddenly by his bedside seems to know the reason for the shadows in the young man's head and the hunger clawing in his gut. This man alone seems willing to satisfy it and so in the darkness, Kensington sinks under the man's weight...


He's accustomed to wearing stiff collars. The ones he can fasten himself -- the one made with cloth and celluloid, not the leather one that Eddie has to buckle on when the wolf needs a walk -- are the ones he prefers.

Matched Pair

They've only one good pair of eyes between them, and Richard has enough of a soul to share.


He left Germany and emigrated to the new world to find a new life, away from the things his brothers and his cousins hunt. He found those very creatures waiting for him in the shadows of Albany.

His adolescent self delighted in thunderstorms: they gave him a backdrop for the gothic novels on Grandfather's shelf.

His adult self shudders under the covers, trying not to think of the fury of aerial bombardment.

Dog Eat Dog

That socialite with the yappy Pomeranian on the floor below the penthouse. He couldn't have her put out as she'd paid up through the summer, but the cleaning staff looked forward to the day when the incontinent little mutt and it's clueless owner left the city.

Still, the wolf doesn't feel particular about its diet...

Sea Change

He shuttles back and forth between Albany and New York, between New York and Atlantic City, but the one place Jack feels the most at home is on the Boardwalk, smelling the salt air off the ocean.


In the shadows of the confessional, he admits everything to the priest, knowing it will remain in confidence. But not what the wolf does.

Cracked Porcelain

There are nights he wonders if she finds that man attractive because he is whole and human, not a freak of the shadows with a glass eye.


"Am I handsome?" he whispers to the young man, when no one else can hear them.

"Yes, you are," Hyacinthe replies. Having little experience has given him not a very long yardstick with which to measure.


He didn't much mind the furtiveness of his encounters with Harkness, at least until he met the Captain's landlord on the stairs to his apartment. Mudgett at least had the decency to turn a literal blind eye to the meeting.

fandom: boardwalk empire, fandom: torchwood, fandom: caitlin r kiernan, fandom: yami no matsuei, genre: rp-related fics

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