Jun 12, 2007 20:21

"They'd best be gettin' me booty"

Yup, I got a ptach over the eye right now. So if there's spelling mistakes... fucking deal with it. We got there a bit around 11:30am today, sat aroudn and waited. Had to fill out a fuckload of forms and finally I was taken into the prep room.

Here, they had me sit in a chair, had me put on a heart monitor and other things to check blood pressure and all that. Had to put on the little clean room booties and hat as well as a hospital gown to cover the front there. So you don't even have to change clothes or anything for the procedure, which is useful.

Reclined me back and started the drops. Ever 5 minutes, I'd get a regiment of drops put into the eeye to dilate it as much as possible, numb the surface of the eye, and anti-biotics to prevent infection. This went on for a good 45 minutes or so. The only annoyance is that leaning back like that, the drops can filter down one of your ducts into your synuses.. so you taste the shit in the back of your throught. That's annoying. Finally the anesthesiologist came in. So they took me across the hall to the surgery room, laid me down on the gurney and got me into position. Stuck the needle (basically the plastic tube) in the arm and gave me all sorts of nice yummy drugs.

The rest, all I can remeber is him asking me about music and such, asking if there any street drugs I was taking that I didn't want my mom to hear about. And the rest... just him bitching for me to look up or a certain way while I'mdrugged to shit and focusing on one thing is ni impossible.

Came out of it ok though. The nervousness when they got me in the room was nuts. Surgery wigs me out, especially when you're awake for it. Not afriad of it mind you, I'd just rather be doin' something else. But considering 5 minutes of discomfort for a lifetime of sight... yeah, I'll take those odds.

Either way, right now I sit here with one good eeye, and the other patched up a bit. It was a bit scratchy and even a little aching afterwards (as to be expected) but now it seems to be doin' ok. They say no swimming for a week, no lifting over 20 lbs for a week (we'll see how that goes) all that usual jazz. It's not bad though. Tomorrow I get to see what the vision is like after they take the patch off in the morning.
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