Nov 06, 2008 02:05
I haven't done this in a while and I think it would be good to start in order to get me thinking critically about gaming. Here are some reviews for games I've played.
Far Cry 2
This game is more of a playground than a story game in my eyes. It's got lots of fun technical details, like fire that spreads across grass and climbs up trees. The guns don't just deteriorate (usually that's just frustrating) but they develop rust patterns that can really add a lot of character to some of the weapons. Specifically the AK, which will also have the wood finish chip. The environments are beautiful and varied, as is the combat. All-in-all the sandbox aspect of the game is about the best part of it.
I started playing the story because in the beginning you have to. Found out I was in Africa in a location that goes unnamed probably to avoid hate mail, contracted Malaria, had a couple tutorial missions on how to deal with that and other aspects of the game then was given the "go" sign. This is one of many places where the story aspect of the game fails, because the only thing I wanted to do was buy guns and have a good time terrorizing neighboring villages. As evil as it may sound to do so, you're entirely justified in it because the second you set foot in any village that's not the main one you get shot at by any and all people who happen to be walking around peacefully before detecting you. Perhaps it's because the game wants to show Africa as being an abundantly hostile environment whose sole feature is the degree of turmoil, but it left me wondering what all the other guys did to not get shot at by everyone they see. Not only that but why do they only shoot at me? I tried playing the missions and listened to some unsubtle hate speeches about two factions that were at war, but all of that seems to be tossed out the window once you're done debriefing. Such a mechanic makes it hard to care about anyone because a)they're preoccupied with teaching the other faction a lesson and b)there's thought lingering in the back of your mind that all their underlings are going to shoot at you the second you walk out that door anyway so who cares if I killed the opposing leader or blew up the pumps they told me to. My armory cares. And that's the one single reason I do any of the missions in this game: I can buy more guns with the money.
So to sum it up, excellent technology, good world design, entertaining game mechanics, Ubisoft needs to hire better writers and integrate the story with the game more.