I just had to tell someone...

Jul 20, 2002 05:02

It sounds so silly and High-School, that I'd just as soon NOT tell the story of how we met. So I'll skip that for now, and jump to the "date". We spent six hours together last night, and they really felt like maybe only one. And all we were doing was talking, discovering how much we are of the same mind. I've never experienced anything like it before. It was *exactly* like old friends catching up with each other after many years apart, and *nothing* at all like two strangers learning each other's names for the first time. It's incredible, amazing, and scary as hell. We both agreed that we had better not fuck this up. Which is why we didn't end up having freaky monkey sex, though we both want to. Badly. Yes, with each other, you fools.

Did I mention, she's also beautiful? Not in the boring supermodel way, she's actually built like a *woman*-- fun to roll around with, and no need to worry about snapping those insect-limb-like things a starved woman uses for arms and legs. Her eyes? Persian poets came close many hundreds of years ago in describing them, but her eyes are even more intoxicating than that. I could (and did) get lost in them. Nothing said out loud, everything understood. I'll spare y'all of the rest, except to say she has this cutest little dimple when she smiles. As do I, I'm told.

There's a slight age difference, (She'll be 24 in August), but neither of us has a problem with that.

We discussed music, movies (We both have great taste in films, and at one point debated whether it was the plane crash or the car crash in "Fight Club" that *sounds* better), religion (we're in the same place, spiritually speaking), sex (not directly, it was more along the lines of "Should we be doing this?" "I don't think so" "Me either" "Don't stop"), politics (YaY Ralph!), music, sports (slight hitch there- she likes wrestling, so I'll have to open up to that guilty pleasure of mine and start watching it openly. In return, I think she's willing to learn to play some pool...), ethnicity (not a big deal to us), drugs (Been there, done that, bought the T-shirt), books (made plans to visit a good bookstore the next time we meet, [If you knew the percentage of folks around here that have never finished reading a single work of fiction, yer jaw would drop.] so we can buy each other a big stack of "must-reads" [True geekdom, the perfect second date.]), fashion (black nail-polish as an aphrodisiac), and music.

[I just re-read this-- jeez, how's THAT for a fucking long sentence?]

Some bad timing, she's now out of town until Sunday night, but we're busy running up catastrophic phone bills in the meantime.

And one more thing-- Until a couple of months ago, she had very long hair. Now it's fairly short (black w/ bright red highlights)-- And there's a chemo patient or two out there who's gonna get a free wig.

My friends, I feel better than James Brown.
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