A Puzzlement

Jan 13, 2012 09:43

In looking over my first week of being on Facebook (and Google+), I discovered a few things:
  • I still keep my hobbies/activities close to my vest.  Unlike my wife, who spent over an hour that first night on Facebook IM-ing with an old friend from high school, I've kept my involvement with FB to a minimum.  I friend people, I read other people's entries, I search around to see who is or isn't on FB.  Do I add stuff to my profile?  No, not really.  When I discovered that it took Google+ the better part of a day to absorb changes to my preferences on searches to my name or my employer, I've held back on adding info to my profiles.
  • Friends are like hugs.  Ever been to a con or a gathering where people are always giving each other hugs?  Friending people on FB and G+ is like that.  I wake up each day to find a few more friend requests trickling in, and I then spend some time trying to figure out if I recognize the name (and if I don't, what their connection is to me) and whether I should friend them back.  This reticence toward friending manifests in other ways, too:  sure, I'd like to follow some other people, but I always have a little voice in the back of my head that says "are you really their friend?  No?  Then why are you thinking about doing this?"
  • Some of my best friends aren't on FB.  (You know who you are!)
  • I've scanned some of of my ex-high school and grade school classmates on FB, and what I've seen has pretty much confirmed to me that I made the right decision to cut the cord and move on with my life.
  • My wife is more into Facebook than I am.  Not that I'm of a "take-it-or-leave-it" opinion of it, but she is commenting and chatting with her FB friends more than I am.
  • The vast majority of my FB friends are women.  I'm not sure what this says about me, but I'm sure it says something.

social media

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