Fuck Me I'm Twee

Jan 12, 2006 13:43

A Spanish Pop Site has featured a small article on Book Club Records with a link to  an mp3 of my song International Supports from the Quiet Time Record. Thanks to Victoria - here is the rough translation:

"book club record is an Australian distributor take to a year hoarding lost jewels, singles in seven inches published in small seals (for example, they have the one of tragadiscos) and peculiarities several also publish singles of its friends small songs of cantautores of dormitory (or until of bathroom) that makes think about laura watling, elliott Smith or the softies.
in its page you can listen to a new song every week to follow the track to them. and, if you are so indie which you order vinyls to Australia, now is the moment, because as next is going away to change to Manchester they have put it everything of supply.
of the artists who publish only they, this it is my favorite: youngest child thompson - international support.mp3
as the seal takes a marriage to it, they finish removing peculiar recopilatorio: they have collected songs recorded by married pairs (shermans, to boyracer, lovejoy...). in addition, both they had a group and they have been autoeditado of posthumous form emphasizes a song with a very insolent letter-hymn: for i don't care too much drinking, for i don't care the rolling stones, don't wanna to hear nonrock n' roll, shoegazing or filthy soul, eats out with me and íll pop show how to! pop! pop! and it continues naming a list of groups, rare concerts and discs, parapapapás and others aventurillas of young indies."
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