Day 5: Your favourite J-Rock Song
As the meme goes on... I realized that most of the questions are pretty hard to answer as the answers are all so close. I guess those who know me better know that I have trouble choosing when presented with equally good choices =( So i will put down 3 songs that I like best. After all, music is about mood. And when it comes down to listening to my favourite J-Rock songs, I find that these 3 would be the ones that feature most prominently on my music player ^_^
In no particular order:
1.Galneryus - New Legend
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In the case of this song, the title fits like a glove. Neo-classical Power metal at its best, this song is the best I have heard so far when it comes to allowing each band member to showcase their mastery at their instrument (Bass solo, keyboard solo, guitar solo ^_^)
Cast: (The older galneryus... the one where Leda plays the bass and Yama-B's on vocals).
2. GazettE - Guren
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IMO, the tune is very listenable =) Love the effects of Aoi's guitar on the verses (that's an example of the Chinese idiom which talks about drawing the eyes on a dragon - i.e. making the song complete). Everything blends well =) From the vocals to the emotions behind the solos and the flow of the song
3. Deluhi - Lorelei
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I can still remember counting down the days to the release of this song in the Eco Lab XD Am still amazed at how the band's creativity allows them to do a nice mix of J-rock, Indian + Spanish influences. Acoustic solo is priceless (my parents, who don't like rock were actually amazed by Leda's solo when I insisted that they have to hear it. They were asking "oh who is the guitarist?" then came THE question "So can you play like that?" and I was like "er no..." Cool right!! Yay Leda!")