"Present Moments" от HayHouse. Одна из рубрик - шутки, смешные цитаты, анекдоты Сегодня анекдот, причем перевод здесь не
передаст шутки, основанной на каламбуре. Так что сосредоточиться и....
A Lesson in Change
The Dalai Lama went up to a hot-dog vendor on the street in New York and said, “Make me one with everything.”
The hot-dog vendor gave him a hot dog with all the trimmings.
The Dalai Lama handed the hot-dog vendor a 20-dollar bill. The hot-dog vendor put the bill in his pocket.
“Aren’t you going to give me my change?” asked the Dalai Lama.
“Change must come from within,” said the hot-dog vendor.