"There's only one Wesley Snipes in this world!"

May 23, 2010 22:06

:: Today was a pretty lazy day. It was really pouring all morning and all afternoon but it was cozy. And whenever I get cozy from listening to the rain, I need a movie to accompany it. Usually it's a Jane Austen based movie, as was the case today as well. Decided to watch 'Sense & Sensibility' mainly because I wanted to oogle at Alan Rickman! So freaking sexy! With wavy blonde locks and a voice that makes your knees buckle, who can resist?! Anyhoo. Thoroughly enjoyed it!

:: Speaking of Alan Rickman, I had a pretty weird dream last night. It was Snape/Hermione centered, which I thought was odd. I guess I was affected by the fact that I was reading 'Prisoner of Azkaban' last night before I went to bed. *shrugs* Just thought I'd mention it. Really like the book btw (and film) because of the introduction of Lupin. Very interesting character. But still doesn't beat Snape's awesome smexiness!

:: Ok, time for some season finales commentary. First up, 'Community'. What the frack?! Britta wants Jeff, Jeff has no idea what he wants but somehow ends up with Annie who was supposed to leave with Vaughn?! Britta and Annie have always annoyed me as characters. Britta is a pseudo-liberal imo, who has certain beliefs in theory, but doesn't really abide by them in life. And as for Annie, she's supposed to be the youngling everyone takes care of. You have no IDEA how much she pissed me off in the last episode when she ratted out Chang! The best thing about the epi -for me at least- was...JOHN OLIVER! So happy they brought him back! I hope he stays on for more! Memorable quotes were:

"LeVar Banana Burton!" (Star Trek reference FTW! Woop woop!)

"Dudley Moore" "Spray tan."

...and the best one "BRING CONAN BACK!"

:: Will Forte, Jason Sudeikis, Matt Damon and Michael Sheen all in one episode?! So much WIN! But wait, Avery's pregnant?? Nooooooo! At least I hope it's not Jack's! I can't watch my Jack/Liz ship sink! I know it's probably never going to happen, but why does Tina deprive us from our last morsel of hope?? I'm glad Nancy's out of the picture. She kinda annoyed me. I also really enjoyed the sappy-mocking music scene between Avery and Jack. But Liz should be with Jack! I always liked Floyd and Westley was hilarious -plus it's Michael Sheen so...- but now she meets a new guy? Named Carol?? Who seems to be perfect for her?! Urgh! C'mon! Kenneth's rant was weird at the end. And we know he'll be back next season, so I didn't see the point in it. Unless Tina has some super big changes installed for us next season regarding Kenneth! Quote time!

"I do do. *Lemon snickers* Grow up Lemon. The point is I made my choice and I'm not looking back. Period." "*snickers* Period!" (Yes, I am that immature as well and laughed at this)

"There's only one Wesley Snipes in this world!"

30 rock, books, television

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