Change of pace...

May 09, 2005 02:08

Yea! It's two days into summmer and I dont know what to do with myself i mostly just lay around buut i did have a good idea for an invention, The plaid condom! how cool would that be and it would be stlyish and sophisticated at the same time! I guess Yesterday I cut up a tree and it that was a pretty rugged experience(I'll have to remember to where stetson next time) oh and there was a bonfire at my pals house. I guess that is what happens in northern michigan cause that is apparently what meg was up to as well. Guess what, I didnt even bother getting drunk?? thats gotta be the first sarturday night in forever that I havent ended up being wasted, in fact I actually made money at poker so that is kinda neato. Mothers day was pretty good I took my dogs for a ride into TC to get my mom a present. That was pretty much the higlight of the day haha.

Its kinda weird beeing home, I guess nothing really changes around here too much. Its really really quiet at night, no trains coming bye at 5am and its also really dark you can see every star at night. sleeping in my own bed again, I hate sleeping in my bed after I havent for a long time so I definitly took off all the old stuff that was on. I had to be safe cause i didnt know if critters went in it like bugs n stuff. Oddly enough i have a loft at home but not at school. I keep catching myself knocking on any closed door even my owne, which makes me look like a dork. I also keep catching myself wondering what my pals from the hub are up to right at that moment. Has anyone else found that when somebody tells you there is a "party" tommarow it usually ends up being 5 dudes drinking beer and playing cards? It also bugs me when nobody is online anymore and i cant go look on other peoples song lists.
haha sorry to gripe so much about random junk ;) I think im just pissed at the fact that i have to go back to work soon. I want a really easy job like that guy in the back of the rap video who just says "yeah!" or "dr. dre mutha fucka" ya know the one dude im talking about? how much can he really get paid.
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